At the End of the Spectra
At the End of the Spectra
| 01 January 2006 (USA)
At the End of the Spectra Trailers

After a traumatic situation that makes Vega become an agoraphobic person, she decides to live like a hermit in an apartment because of her father's recommendation. But some strange things start happening, she sees visions, and hears noises and voices. She starts to worry about the dark past of that apartment, and the bizarre obsession of her neighbor.

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If you have another guerrilla, narc-traffic, "sicario" script ready to shoot, way to go, man!!! Those are the kind of movies Colombia needs to change our reality.I didn't know every writer, singer, painter, sculptor, reporter or filmmaker in Colombia had to write, sing, paint, sculpt, report or shoot only our problems not to be called infamous or indifferent.Good luck with your movies about our "hurt nation" and good luck to those whose movies distract us and entertain us to avoid that reality just for a couple of hours. I'm not indifferent or infamous just because of that, I love my country and it hurts like hell everything that happens here, whether a movie shows me or not how overwhelming our reality can be.You are another one of that disrespectful Colombian pseudo-artist who don't allow our reality to change by not showing just a little bit of respect for somebody else's expression of art.

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This horror movie is a sort of agoraphobic psychological thriller. The story is simple, but has an interesting "big" twist and some good elements. It is however not quite enough to have you riveted the whole way through, as even with its short running time, the movie is quite slow-paced and some story elements are less interesting although they are mostly necessary as one understands once the twist is revealed... On the other hand, it does allow for good acting by the two female leads, good camera-work and genuine scary moments.A neat, sly, little story that could have benefited from a little be more complexity, but that still works as a brainteaser and for the atmosphere and scare factor.

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I'm a student of film-making in Colombia. This movie really makes me sad in the way that there are so many projects of films that are more interesting, but they are not supported, because the infamous people of Colombia and many of their filmmakers believe that telling stories of Colombia's problems is something boring and "typical". It only pronounces more the sense of indifference that is overwhelming this hurt nation. Now, talking about the movie, it stinks. The story is too entangled, showing us the problems in its screenplay. The acting of Julieth (Tulipan), is pathetic, too cliché. This character is the same thing as the typical misunderstood teen (oh what a surprise, a wannabe Gothic girl) The movie itself is big cliché of American horror movies, in which the horror is done through the typical terrifying noise, but not from the image itself. In the technical aspect I think that the movie is good, although there are many out of focus, that you can tell that are not intentional. The audio of the movie is well done, and the lightning is pretty descent. I also admire that the movie has got a big response in the public, so be free to watch it and drop your own conclusions.

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Very very good. It's cinematography will surely win the Colombian Film Award next year. The editing and the direction were superb, giving us very well-done tension moments. I liked the story in general and it looked to me extremely claustrophobic.Such a cool ending. Very scary.Noelle was very good here, and also the beautiful Julieth Restrepo, in her movie debut. Correct me if I'm wrong, but was Tulipán a lesbian? Cause there are facts that can prove it...Congratulations, cast and crew, I hope the American remake don't destroy this amazing amazing amazing Colombian movie. Keep working.

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