Asteroid vs Earth
Asteroid vs Earth
| 12 September 2014 (USA)
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When a shower of massive meteors threatens an extinction level on Earth, the world's greatest minds devise a dangerous plan that will take the planet off its axis in order to avoid the impact.

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If you're a seasoned movie goer but have become tired of the relentless big box office releases then this is the movie for you.You'll need to nail your feet to the floor and duct tape your eyes open for the full 90 minute duration if you're to reap the benefit offered by this pox riddled flick.I'm unable to divulge any further details, as if you've not seen this movie then you'll think I made the whole thing up. On the upside, you'll come out the other side with a new appreciation of those big box office movies.

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D. R. Quintana

There's no excuse for bad writing, bad screenplay, bad sets, bad camera work, and bad directing. Nothing was thought out nor there was no insightful preparation to keep things real. The pacing was horrible and there was no military liaison to ensure that the rank structure or feel of a military presence was kept in tune with what to expect in running a ship, more so a submarine. Being a veteran of the U.S. Submarine Force, I gave this film a chance, but using a surface ship to present the inside of a submarine???...they would have had a better set using the inside of a car garage with PVC pipes taped along the walls. Even the uniforms were wrong, no haircuts, wrong use of rankings. The list goes on and on. The angle with the young, hotshot scientist was such a dumb move and there's no real linear threat with the time and distance of the approaching asteroid.Most of the actors in this film are washed up and probably needed the money, so they must have just been going through the motions to complete the film to receive their paychecks. I expected better from two or three of the actors, hopefully to lead and guide other actors towards a better film. But in the end, the whole thing falls apart in the first 15 minutes of the film. I held back from throwing up watching the rest.Stick a fork in the director, his career is done.

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I just got through watching this on the telly, since I often try to catch all the Asylum -projects I can out of sheer curiosity.The plot of this epic revolves around the Deep Impact / Armageddon -style asteroid that is hurling towards us and can't be blown up or thrown out of it's course. The best option they come up with is to bury nuclear weapons to the bottom of the planet and explode whole Earth out of it's course thus easily avoiding the deadly impact.I'll admit I'm no geologist or scientist of any creed, but even to the complete layman this sounds like a legit plan that can in no way backfire or cause any harm to our entire ecosystem. And the whole thing is orchestrated by a temp in NASA, who happens to be smarter than all the science minds of the nation combined.Tia Carrere plays a geologist that gets involved with the mission, and Robert Davi is a general of the army.I have always appreciated Carrere, because even at the height of her popularity, she often appeared in all things cheap and stupid. She is rather okay in this, although not as lovely as Renee O'Connor one could see in the Moby Dick interpretation of the same firm - which is probably shot in the same submarine set as most of this film.Davi's only point is to look concerned and drink a lot of coffee.This movie had a lot of good brain fart mentality. The biggest problem with Asylum these days is that their movies have become too coherent and can only be distinguished from the normal Hollywood crap by their cheapness. Asteroid vs Earth was like if Ronald Emmerich had £3 cash and was even more crazy as the reality shows - and that's a good thing.We had a nice scene, where the sub has a leak at it's backside, so they device an explosion to separate only the front part of the vehicle and continue with just that. Or how about the ending, where we go into The Lord of the Rings -territory, as one soldier has to try and smuggle few nukes up a roaring volcano whilst avoiding enemies surrounding the mountain.And in the end, world literally jumps from it's orbit in a scene that looks like it has been directly lifted from the intro sequence of 3rd Rock from the Sun. In horrible, horrible CGI, of course - as is everything in this piece.This gets an okay score in terms of Asylum films from me. I wasn't disappointed, because this time the dumb cheese translated as entertainment, not a boring snooze fest.

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The only reason I didn't give this loser, appropriately made by a group called "The Asylum," the 1 (really 0) it richly deserves is because I love Jason Brooks, the only reason I watched it in the first place. It doesn't say anything good about the nadir to which we've degenerated that this irrational piece of mentally incompetent trash could even be considered for production, much less actually wasting more than $1 in creating it, having nutty plot holes big enough to drive the entire US Army abreast through. If I needed more evidence of the vast incompetence of scy fy vs actual technology (but I don't), this would be an unmitigated howler of a candidate.

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