Army of Frankensteins
Army of Frankensteins
| 11 January 2013 (USA)
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A young man travels back in time, finding himself entrenched in the Civil War with an army of Frankensteins.

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The film begins in Virginia, 1864. A squad of Confederate soldiers is on a routine patrol when one of them breaks rank to rendezvous with his lover. Sadly, just as the soldier is about to commence his own Bull Run, the lovers are set upon by an army, not the Union Army, but an Army of Frankensteins!As is so often the case, an ego-maniacal mad scientist is at the heart of our troubles, in an attempt to reanimate the Monster's corpse, the crazy Dr. Finski accidentally tears open a hole in the space/time continuum, pouring a multiverse worth of Frankensteins into the middle of the American Civil War. Correcting this little glitch in Time constitutes Our Heroes' Quest. I hate to give away too much in a review so I'll just give you a few highlights. This movie has a lot of good stuff in it, including nods to some of the classic Frankenstein films, (as well as Phil Hartman's version) some effective and often funny gross out effects, a plasma coil cannon, a Counter-Frankenstein, discussions on everything from time travel to the nature of true love, Igor played as a wise- cracking yet highly competent 12 year old boy, and Frankenstein's attempt to thwart Lincoln's assassination at Ford Theater.Not only is an entertaining film with a good sense of fun, but it seems it was also made by a small group of independent artists and therefore could use your financial support. So spend your money on a product that is not only a good time, but that will help these folks turn out more quality entertainment.

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Submarine Guest House

To all these stupid actors and stupid directors, stop doing stupid movies please. Why? Because I don't believe any one will like to watch it. Unless if they are super stupid weird people with weird stupid psychology. A waste of your precious time to watch such a stupid movie. It's a shame that this called movie. I might say it's not a movie it's a begging act. As you will feel it like: please give us some jobs we don't have money Guys why don't you try to be PERFCT? What's wrong with that? If you have no budget for a movie then please don't even try to make one stupid wasted movie. In my opinion you cannot afford every piece of criticism around you. I have no idea why you guys allow yourselves to act such stupid acting, very stupid and out of date , give me a break you shameful fools, any one support this movie should go to hell with the producers, actors and directors

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My quick rating - 5,7/10. Very ambitious and fun filled horror comedy. The writers/creators wanted to hit all genres in full swing and did a fantastic job on a shoe string budget. Good humor, nice gore when needed, hokey action on purpose, this is b-budget quality that should be seen. Enjoyable and I will be keeping this one for later viewing. I make my picks on people to watch, and very rarely am I wrong (last one was the Soska Twins) so keep an eye on Ryan Bellgardht. Aside from some serious camera issues (more the effects really) the quality is quite good. Got distracted at times by the multiple Frankensteins being all hazy, but minor gripe. Enjoy if you can find it.

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I didn't give this a one because I finished watching it. This is one of those movies where you ask yourself, are people this dumb. The things the characters do is well you wish you can reach into the screen and slap one of them. I enjoy monster movies and time traveling but this didn't do it for me. The acting is lousy and I have to mention I am glad it was a free movie. I would have been upset had I been the one to pay for it. A movie you can watch if it comes on free TV in a late late late movie. I really do not know what else to say here because I need to write more lines. There really is not much else to write about without giving movie dialogues. I basically already wrote the obvious. It is a lousy movie and watch it when you have nothing else to do but don't buy it A civil war with Frankenstein's.

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