All Through the House
All Through the House
NR | 31 October 2015 (USA)
All Through the House Trailers

A deranged masked Santa-Slayer comes to town for some yuletide-terror. He leaves behind a bloody trail of mutilated bodies as he hunts his way to the front steps of the town's most feared and notorious home.

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The cover for 'All Through the House' enticed me into seeing it. So did that it was purported to be an 80s throwback and that its idea was a good one. Also appreciate highly all the genres that 'All Through the House' contains and any film that tries to mix them. Will admit to being a bit nervous as well, having seen my fair shares of failed execution of good ideas, some mediocre at best to terrible films lately and whether it would be as cheap as low-budget films tend to be. What a pleasant surprise 'All Through the House' turned out to be! It is not perfect or amazing, and it doesn't completely meet the quality of its concept. Still found it to be above average and it was a relief that the concept wasn't wasted. 'All Through the House' could have been better certainly. The killer is suitably creepy and there is effort to give him development (which is appreciated, too many films recently have failed to do that with their villains) but definitely could have been in the film more, he was underused. Some of the story is predictable and not always tight in pace, particularly in the middle. The reveal didn't have me jumping out of my chair in shock or excitement and some of the dialogue is cheesy as sin (not a strong suit with the 80s horror films it throws back to admittedly but still). Occasionally, the film takes it too far with the vulgarity which doesn't always add an awful lot. On the other hand, 'All Through the House's' look is surprisingly more polished than most low-budget films seen recently. There is a real dark eeriness to the film's look, and the killer's is cool and suitably creepy. The special effects serve their purpose well, not over-used and far less amateurish than feared. The music score is haunting and suspenseful, without over-bearing the atmosphere or making it too obvious something bad is going to happen.Great the dialogue is far from, but it does boast some thought and some sharp and darkly funny satirical/black humour elements in a very 80s genre film way. The story isn't perfect either, but mostly it's very effectively atmospheric in tension, suspense and nightmarish eeriness, far from dull, intriguing and with some very brutally inventive kills. The direction shows confidence.Regarding the acting, it is fair. Not exceptional, but not terrible. Ashley Mary Nunes is surprisingly agreeable in the lead role and hair-raising Melynda Kiring is the cast standout. The characters don't at least irritate.In summary, not bad...not bad at all. 6/10 Bethany Cox

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College student Rachel Kimmel (a solid and appealing performance by Ashley Mary Nunes) returns to her home town to celebrate Christmas with her family and friends at the same time that a psycho dressed as Santa Claus (an unnerving portrayal by Lito Velasco) decides to embark on a vicious killing spree.Writer/director Todd Nunes keeps the engrossingly twisted story moving along at a constant pace, delivers a handy helping of in-your-face nasty gore, maintains a take-no-prisoners harsh tone throughout (the wacko cuts guy's penises off with a huge pair of garden shears), does a sturdy job of crafting a supremely creepy atmosphere, pays nice tribute to such 1980's slice'n'dice classics as "Alone in the Dark" and "The Slumber Party Massacre," and even throws in a smidgen of tasty gratuitous female nudity for extra good trashy measure. Melynda Kiring easily cops the top acting honors with her divinely deranged turn as the bitter and unhinged Mrs. Garrett, who's harboring one hell of a sick family secret. Moreover, the filmmakers deserve additional praise for using nifty old school practical splatter make-up effects. Ryan J. Anderson's sharp cinematography provides a pleasing polished look. Irving Victoria's shivery score hits the spirited shuddery spot. A fun little seasonal slasher outing.

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andrew salisbury

the makers of this movie obviously thought that the best way to pay homage to 80s slasher films, was to throw blood all over the place, and populate the entire movie with nubile young women showing their tits just before getting killed in gruesome ways.sometimes, less is more, and as any fan of horror movies will tell you, a good horror doesn't need blood to scare you, some perhaps, but not the copious amounts on display here. yes, the deaths were inventive at times, but they served no purpose other than to gross you out for the sake of itnot a terrible movie, but it substituted blood and gore for a decent story, and it won't be winning any major awards anytime soon

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Santa needs to take a little r and r - it seems he's a little stressed these days. He's on a killing spree and the only one to stop him is his mama. Beware of the one who dons a festive mask and beheads those with a hedge clipper. Michael Myers would be so proud; after a long day of slaughtering dumb college students what better than to relax sit your fat ass on the couch and indulge in some milk and cookies, eh. Santa?! Santa likes to watch dirty girls take a shower then rip their eyes out of their pretty skulls. Santa likes to kill hot topless lesbians. Santa likes to throw your Grandma off a cliff. It's time to light a fire and seal your chimney, Santa is pis*ed and it doesn't matter if you've been naughty or nice.

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