Alien Dawn
Alien Dawn
R | 06 August 2012 (USA)
Alien Dawn Trailers

Puddncakes T

This movie follows has a very "War of the Worldsy" theme, except that there are other movies that do it better, much much better. Any movie that depends heavily on visual FX without the budget and no script to speak of will suffer the consequences so I expected to be entertained by the unintentional badness but I was so wrong.-Bad acting can be interesting to watch. Not this time! The Main characters are boring and their relationships are stitched together rather sloppily.-Bad FX can be interesting to watch too. Nope, these just stink and they became annoying. The explosions and sparks (and there are a ton of these) have outlines around them and they kept using this horrid texture over the shots to simulate debris. The lighting of CG elements have a tendency of not matching the live footage and they were animated quite poorly. Not to mention some of the worst depth of field I've seen, rub petroleum jelly in your right eye, it would be the same effect.-Thin plots can be fun. Alien Dawn fails on this front as well, it just stumbled along until it came to it's anticlimactic end. I get it, technology has a lot of people believing they too can make sci fi movies but come on!

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I gave it a score of twice what it deserves simply because IMDb discounts any and all 1's in its weighted scores(Which would explain how some serious stinkers get 6-8 ratings) This movie is just.. bad. No other way to explain, but lets forget the horrible acting, silly CGI effects, ridiculous (Stolen from starwars) sound effects, and plain stupid 'story' for a moment. The flashing lights(think strobe light) to 'hide' the shitty effects, will give you one NASTY headache inside 2-3 minutes of the start of the film... if you manage to suffer though that, the just 'dumb' events and story of the movie will make you feel like puking.No this is not even one of those 'so bad its good' movies. Its not worth your time to watch(Your prob better off watching jersey shore reruns) its not worth your money to get it(even if u got it free) and its REALLY not worth your intelligence (Which will drain away if you focus too much on this pos) Really, just avoid this one.

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what can I say, right in the beginning of this movie seems to start of as if they were in the same movie War of the Worlds (2005), possibly following tom cruise around. I wouldn't be surprised if they just stole the computers and script from the production team of WotW. There is no redeemable quality of this stink fest. Worse than even the worst made for TV Scify Original movie. Stay Away, Far away................P.S. On another note, I doubt that this movie will ever even see the light of day. I just had the misfortune to get a screener.P.P.S. I don't even wont to waste anymore time on such a horrible movie, but I have to add 2 more lines of text, just to submit this

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If you want to make your worse enemy suffer, make him (her) watch this piece of cinematographic "art" from start till end. Guaranteed to achieve the wanted result. I still have to understand why somebody will finance (even with a miserable amount) such a nonsense? I am not an old, grumpy purist, I do enjoy digestible science fiction - been a fan of easy-minded St..-Tr.. all my life, but this is unwatchable, seriously. The evil alien machine theme is with us for over a hundred years now but this has to be the worst implementation yet and I've seen a lot of recycle bin stuff in my life due to my editing work. 1) Beaten up theme = no plot whatsoever 2) Awful CGI = Painful to watch in a conscious state 3) Appalling acting = Actually no acting as such AVOID, life is short!

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