I am sure some of us still have, on occasion, flashing memory of our childhood love subjects. We can be adults and settled into a homely life style. But if your memory is still robust, a trip to the past is common - especially if you are getting older."Balcony on the Sea", a name which I prefer, is a top-notch romance from France. It blends mystery with a love story, and with a the plot which is very credible and moving.Both Jean Dujardin (of 'The Artist' fame) and Marie-Josee Croze are great in their leading roles. Director Nicole Garcia's steady and conventional directing is perfect to tell this tale, with flash back to childhood life in Algiers. I also find the ending subtle and satisfying. Highly recommended for those who yearn for a good romance story. Meanwhile, I will try to seek out more work by this director.
... View MoreFrench screenwriter, actress and director Nicole Garcia's sixth feature film which she co-wrote with French screenwriters Jacques Fieschi, Frédéric Belier Garcia and Natalie Carter, premiered in Morocco, was shot on locations in France, Spain, Algeria and Morocco and is a French production which was produced by producer Alain Attal. It tells the story about a man named Marc Palestro who has moved to Aix in Southern France with his wife named Clotilde who is a teacher and their 11-year-old daughter named Manouche. Marc is a real estate agent for his father in-law's company called Pays d'Aix and the day he goes with him to meet a female client named Mrs. Mandonato who works for a real estate investor and is looking for a new house, Marc's life changes.Distinctly and precisely directed by French filmmaker Nicole Garcia, this quietly paced fictional tale which is narrated mostly from the two main characters viewpoints, draws an increasingly heartrending portrayal of an Algerian man who after having seen a woman who captures his eyes is reminded of his childhood sweetheart named Cathy Rivet whom he was separated from during the end of the Algerian War of Independence (1954-1962). While notable for its naturalistic and atmospheric milieu depictions, fine cinematography by French cinematographer Jean-Marc Fabre and production design by French production designer Thierry Flamand, this character-driven and narrative-driven story about a non-illusionary kind of love that has lived on in one person and been awakened in another person depicts two involving studies of character and contains a timely score by English composer Stephen Warbeck.This conversational, somewhat literary and eloquent drama which is set in Algeria in the early 1960s and during a summer in France decades later where a theatre actress is reunited with a man from her past which she has vivid and affectionate memories of and a man almost loses sight of his family, is impelled and reinforced by its flashback narrative structure, subtle character development and continuity, a lingering and pivotal scene of a girl named Marie-Jeanne and the engaging acting performances by French actor, screenwriter and director Jean Dujardin and Canadian actress Marie-Josée Croze. A lyrical, throughout gripping and perceptively romantic mystery from the early 21st century.
... View MoreThe original French title of this film is UN BALCON SUR LA MER, meaning A BALCONY BY THE SEA, and the English title does the film no justice at all, compared to the evocative original. The film is 'made from the heart' by actress, writer, and director Nicole Garcia, who was born in Oran, Algeria, when Algeria was a French colony, and who had to flee in 1962 at Independence, because of the violence. This film concerns the tragic romantic loss suffered by three French teenagers whose young lives and affections for each other were torn apart by the events of 1962. A marvellous performance by Jean Dujardin in the male lead is delivered with such quiet suffering, such profound longing, that it adds a dimension of even greater authenticity to this film, which is authentic enough already, and is shot in numerous localities in France, at Oran in Algeria, and in Morocco. This film is truly a magnificent achievement, succeeding on every level. It works as a puzzling mystery story, as a psychological study, and as a romantic saga, all at once. It has a certain feel of du Maurier's REBECCA about it. If it had been made with Hollywood stars, it would have been world-famous by now, instead of languishing unnoticed except in France. The film certainly qualifies as a true work of art. It is very much an elegy to 'les temps perdu' ('a lost past time'). Nicole Garcia does not appear in the film as an actress, but in addition to directing it, she was the co-writer of the story which must to a considerable extent be autobiographical. Sandrine Kiberlain is the uncomprehending wife, looking after her home, unaware of the depths of emotion swirling through her husband's head, a role similar to that which she played in THE APARTMENT (L'APPARTEMENT, 1996, see my review). The exciting Marie-Josée Croze (a french Canadian actress by origin) is the mysterious woman who haunts the story and the thoughts and dreams of Dujardin, and who may come to haunt those of the viewer as well. She will shortly appear in a Working Title film of Sebastian Faulks's marvellous BIRDSONG, about the First World War, which I saw not so long ago brilliantly staged as a play in London. It is a film to look forward to (to be released in 2012), and it will be good to see more of Croze. There is a surprise appearance by Claudia Cardinale in a cameo, and it is good to see her still at work. I do not wish to spoil this marvellous film for viewers by saying too much about the story. Just see it.
... View MoreNicole Garcia was born in Oran, Algeria, in 1946, and grew to be a teenager there before the Algerian War and the coming Independence threw her and her family out of her birth place, in April 1962, when she was sixteen. A trauma for her and her nearest and dearest, which remained unspoken and even suppressed in the Garcia family and a theme that was bound to be examined some day by the actress turned writer-director.It WAS but not before Nicole Garcia turned sixty. Moreover, she avoided a full frontal approach to the subject, maybe because she was frightened of the potential psychological damages a travel back in time could cause to her. Anyway, Nicole Garcia, aided by her faithful co-writer Jacques Fieschi, opted to weave her childhood memories into a fiction that links the present to the past.The resulting story concerns Marc Palestro, a successful estate agent, whose comfortable, orderly life (complete with wife, daughter, beautiful house, high income, the lot...) is undermined by the appearance of Mme Mondonato, an attractive woman in whom he recognizes the little girl who was his childhood love back in Oran. From this moment on, Marc's both enchanted and troubled past resurfaces, and all he wants is to resume the romance, in a more adult way maybe, that had been brutally interrupted by the events in Algeria. What he does not realize at once is that things are more complicated than they appear...All things considered, the director's roundabout way to confront her memories is pretty interesting. This choice indeed enables her to tell a rather captivating story with its exciting amount of enigmas, mysteries and plot twists, haunted by the presence of a mysterious woman and enriched by the debunking of a real estate scam. At the same time "Un balcon sur la mer" is a worthwhile meditation about how absurd it is to repress memories when you know the past will necessarily catch up with you and impose itself on you whether you like it or not.With beautiful locations, most of which set in the South of France, "Un balcon sur la mer" proves both an entertaining and intelligent movie, with fine performances by its 'romantic' leading couple (Jean Dujardin, bringing manly charm to the insecure Marc Palestro, and Marie-José Croze, convincing as usual as the seductive but unpredictable Mme Mondonato).It is on the acting side that I would spot the only flaws of this well-made film. Toni Servillo's Italian accent, on the one hand, is too thick, which sometimes makes the key character he plays difficult to understand. On the other hand, the role of the excellent Sandrine Kiberlain (as Marc's wife) should have been expanded. You do not give so little to do to such a talented actress.However, these are only minor defects, which don't prevent "Un balcon sur la mer" from being an enjoyable movie. Having proved a good fiction director one more time (this is her sixth feature), how about a documentary about her French-Spanish-Algerian roots by Nicole Garcia?
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