A Hole in My Heart
A Hole in My Heart
| 08 April 2005 (USA)
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In a decript apartment, a young man watches as his father and a friend shoot an amateur porn film. Issues of morality, reality TV and friendship are explored.

John Dworkin

The most relentlessly nihilistic, intentionally disturbing wannabe art-house vomit ever made. So totally devoid of humanity it should be erased from history. The impression is that the film was intentionally made to worsen the viewer's life to somehow even the playing field of all human existence out of some sort of morally relativistic sense of justice. It doesn't. Whether the film-maker had this intention or not makes no difference. The end result is inhumane garbage. The act of creating suffering or pain for another person doesn't guarantee any kind of revelation on the part of the one enduring the pain. I understand the value of shock. I understand our need for art to wake people up. I agree that our world is often relentlessly harsh. But no matter how noble the intentions, this film makes things worse. Garbage on garbage.

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when i watched Moodysson first three films, he seemed to me to be the new Ken loach, Mike Leigh or Alan Clarke in waiting.But he made a total u-turn to produce a work which hasn't done him favors with the crowds of fans he made with F--king Amal,Together and Lilya 4-ever,its kind of like hes trying to say with A HOLE IN MY HEART how far are you willing to go to show how much you adore me. In music terms he's kinda like RADIOHEAD or even His favourite band THE CURE, they produce some of the most uplifting material for example Radiohead released THE BENDS and O.K COMPUTER to worldwide acclaim just like Moodysson's first three movies then did a total u-turn with experimental work like KID A which have divided fans.Is A HOLE IN MY HEART, moodysson's best film,no its probably his weakest i think CONTAINER has a better feel to it,but it shouldn't be held up as a work of a director gone mad.

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Hmph.. this film is strange, unsatisfying, and dull in places. It took a little more effort than it should have to watch until the end. There were a couple of interesting things Moodysson threw in that I noticed, one being that certain random objects get blurred out in most scenes. Initially I thought these to be only objects with brand names on, but upon closer inspection certain parts of clothing get blurred as well. Number two was an almost clever short reference to a far superior work of his, Lilya 4ever. In one of the films many short camera takes you see the porn starlet on top of a bridge, looking out at the road, making the viewer think she's considering suicide, as is the case in the final scene of the aforementioned movie. Having seen Moodysson's other work, "Show Me Love", "Lilya 4ever" and another title investigating life in a convent, another similarity shows up in this film; his rash, abundantly random use of trashy euro trance music. The director uses this to speed up the characters movement and their on screen activities, an unnecessary addition that only aroused annoyance. Perhaps the only remotely interesting quote from the film was shouted by the porn starlet shortly after being assaulted by the male porn actor: "Men are the ones who rape, who kill people, who start wars. Without men, humanity would be far superior". Let us hope that Moodysson's next piece of work will be more on par with his more credible titles.

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Having seen (and loved) both Lilya 4-Ever and Together in the same week, I decided to continue trawling through Lukas Moodysson's filmography with his latest offering, A Hole In My Heart. If I'm being completely honest, I've never been more disappointed by a film as much as this. It's not hard to see what Moodysson was trying here - set up a chaotic atmosphere with only a handful of characters, then turn things around by unveiling the raw emotion exhibited by these human beings - all on a DV camera. It was done so much better in Miike Takashi's Visitor Q. A Hole In My Heart just smacks of uncomfortable pretension. Had this been Moodysson's first film, I might have been a touch more lenient. However, this is the man who directed Lilya 4-Ever, one of the most disturbingly candid films available, and to go from that to this is just vexing.

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