616: Paranormal Incident
616: Paranormal Incident
| 12 February 2013 (USA)
616: Paranormal Incident Trailers

When Special Agent Watts and his Investigation Unit are called to the derelict Woodburrow Prison he thinks it's business as usual. But there's nothing usual about Woodburrow. A mysterious woman is found attempting to flee the scene and things begin to spiral out of control as an evil force picks the team off one by one. Soon Agent Watts is left alone to face what might be the world's most powerful evil... The Devil.


This is one of those movies for those of you who enjoy the Found Footage Genre. This is also a movie for people who are not scared off by lower budget films. I absolutely loved this movie. It has an interesting take on the found footage genre b using glasses mounted cameras, which allows for an interesting side of the paranormal. The acting isn't the best, but I have seen much, much worse. I would have to say without a doubt that my favorite aspect of this movie is that the characters cross into the realm of the paranormal entities giving a new spin on haunted building movies. Obviously there are going to be a few flaws that might bother people such as the FBI Parapsychologist with a tramp stamp, but in general, this is not a bad film. I would highly recommend 616"Paranormal Incident to anyone who is a fan of the found footage genre, and enjoys seeing new twists on the typical haunted building movies.

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I really have nothing against softcore porn. If that's your thing then go for it, but attempting to pass it off as a low budget horror film makes one wonder what Redbox will have in store for the public in the future. This isn't a movie, it's a softcore porn production. Every actor and actress in this honestly looks like they came directly from Seduction Cinema. There is no story. The image and audio presentation of the live footage is quite possibly the worst I have ever seen or heard. My smart phone videos look like IMAX compared to this film. I guess the director (if that's what his job title is) thinks that the blurrier the picture or audio is the creepier the movie will be. The live footage scenes are captured by glasses that have swap meet quality cameras on them. The shock sequences (the ones that are not blurry) involve sex and running up to the camera to show the viewer their pale colored contact lenses.Since this is just fluffy porn then I'll rate it as such..…the girls are hot. The hottest is the one locked up in the cell with the pretty legs. Second best would be the one watching her outside the cell.Pure trash (which is a compliment if you're in the mood for sleaze).

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This is by far, the lamest movie I have watched in a long time! Let's start with the cast: It looks like the casting came from the throw-aways of a porn movie. These "FBI" agents are more like a group of college-kid-wannabe's. The lead agent is a Huey Lewis-looking character with random acts of dramatic outbursts. The evil entity is completely devoid of any frightening characteristics. Now the setting: The set (which is supposed to be an abandoned criminal prison) is extremely clean, freshly painted, and has new, completely intact furniture. As if that weren't unbelievable enough, the audio-visual equipment that these "agents" are using is the best Radio Shack could have offered on the clearance aisle. For the plot: The premise is that of an abandoned mental asylum that is due for demolition, a demolition only the can only be carried out by an elite FBI team of parapsychologists. Wait, what? I won't divulge any of the plot points, because there simply aren't any. If you have about an hour and half to spend and completely hate yourself, then by all means take this horrendous journey into lameness.

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What can I say that probably already hasn't been said of "found footage" movies. Some can carry it off, at least enough so you stay focused on what you are watching and can view it to the very end. Others? Not so much. I watched 616 Paranormal Incident in the hope that the trailer I saw gave me some indication of what to expect. I was deceived. The flow and premise of the story makes it unbelievable from the start. The characters and the roles they play are neither believable nor are they interesting enough to compel you to really "get into" this movie. It's almost as if every moment designed to make you jump and gasp in fright is like every other you've seen with movies of this genre and after a while you are left with a feeling of "been there, done that, not impressed". The location to me looked very much like the notorious Linda Vista Hospital in L.A., a notoriously active paranormal location that is soon to become apartments. To me, that would have made a better story for a movie than this did. I mean imagine it, creepy hospital shut down over charges of mistreatment of patients and with a long list of potential candidates for haunting it gets bought by a developer with designs on turning that facility into an apartment complex. That my friends is fodder for a real scary movie! Some may fault the actors in this film for not delivering the movie as it was intended. It isn't their fault, you can only do so much with what you have and even the best actor in the realm of television or big screen could not have carried off this movie and saved it from its obvious lack of substance, story line or anything else that makes for a movie experience the audience can comprehend and enjoy. Don't shoot the messengers for this mishap, the actors did fine given what they had to work with. I thought that the makeup was somewhat well done. It was in line with what I have come to expect from these types of films but it was also done well enough that I didn't find myself rolling on the floor laughing at the attempt. This movie, for me, was a one and done. If you have nothing else to watch, it is an option for you but only if you have nothing else to watch.

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