6 Years
6 Years
| 14 March 2015 (USA)
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A young couple bound by a seemingly ideal love, begins to unravel as unexpected opportunities spin them down a volatile and violent path and threaten the future they had always imagined.

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No sense movie, don't watch it. They are 6 years in relationship and they act like that... omg

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Now,knowing me,I don't review romances but I felt like I had to review this,6 Years. 6 Years stars Taissa Farmiga,from American Horror Story and the upcoming horror spin off,The Nun. The film is about a couple who after a few incidents,go down a dark path in there relationship which might rip it apart. This film..made me cry..Naaa!! I was joking! I did'int cry although at parts,I felt like it. The film was so true and it was really like..true. Unlike The Notebook or Titanic,this is so true and what actually happens in relationships. Trust me,I do love,Titanic..but 6 Years is so much better!!

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Elena Calvillo

I did not really like this movie because there was a lot of things that made me angry. I dislike how the boyfriend is very smart but still accepts his girlfriend to be drinking. He should stand up to her and say that he feels uncomfortable when she drinks. He seems more of an introvert and the girlfriend is an extrovert. With a six year relationship, I think at the end was not going to work out. She was a bit abusive and not really supportive to his job. He got a really good job. How could she not like that? He could be making a lot of money and keep her in a decent roof, and she complains about their plans. Who cares about the plans. College is about the future, relationships can wait. If your partner truly wants to be with you, then they would self-reflect, improve, be supportive of one's future. She needs some serious counseling because apparently, she should of been the one arrested, with a domestic violence charge. The police seemed to arrest him because he is a male. They should be aware that women can be violent too. Once again, the movie made me angry and want me to really stand up to the girl. He only cheated on her because the other girl seemed to understand him more than his girlfriend. He feels more comfortable. The boyfriend should of told the nurse or some health worker there in the hospital that his reason of injury was the argument with his girlfriend. He could of gotten relationship help, and she may be charged with an arrest. He has such a bright future ahead but the girlfriend is an alcoholic and needs to stop being a party drunk. It is sad to be with an innocent, smart, intelligent man, but a girl seems to ruin it for him and he tends to make poor decisions by not accepting the job over his girlfriend. DO NOT THINK ABOUT THE GIRLFRIEND if she makes you feel uncomfortable. JUST GO WORK AND MOVE ON.

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Written and directed by Hannah Fidell, 6 Years is about a young couple on the verge of college graduation. Hence the title, they have been together for six years. Things start out all right, however, a mix of new opportunities, bad decisions, and violence put their relationship, and their plans for the future to the test.While some teens and possibly some twenty year old may find a way to connect with the movie and with its storyline about broken relationships and complicated love, the overall product of the movie just feels very mediocre. The plot is plain. Not much seem to happen throughout. The movie is centered around an abusive relationship, and not the kind you are used to hearing about. Over the course of the movie, the fighting gets worse, which brings you to a very predictable ending. There isn't much to the story behind the characters, which doesn't make them all that interesting. They are your average "high school sweetheart" couple that's been together forever. They are just having fun and are trying to make it through college by doing the things that any college student around the country would do; get drunk, go to parties, and figure out what it is they want to do with their lives. The acting throughout the film is just like anything you would expect from this sort of movie. One of the main characters, Melanie Clark, is played by Taissa Farmiga, who is known for her role in the FX television series American Horror Story. Farmiga captures the role of a young woman very well. Whether its because of her experience on American Horror Story, or simply because she is one, she knows what she's doing. Farmiga's co-star, Ben Rosenfield, who plays Melanie's longtime boyfriend, Dan Mercer, delivers his character in a pretty average way. As for the supporting cast, they aren't anything special. Mel's friends consist of people attending college parties and drinking, so no real talent need there. As for Dan, he has his record label friends. None of which deliver a "wow" performance. Farmiga's delivery was seemingly convincing throughout the movie. She really embodies the actions and emotions that her character is feeling reacts in a way anyone would given her character's situation.Although this movie has some aspects that are done poorly, there are others that are done well. Young people of the world have raved about this movie, the love they have for it, and how much they are able to connect with it.

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