186 Kilometers
186 Kilometers
| 10 February 2007 (USA)
186 Kilometers Trailers

Jan Uuspõld is a talented actor who is not up to scratch due to his problems with alcohol. He makes up his mind to stop taking clownish roles and accepts a serious part in a play at Vanemuise theatre instead. His journey from Tallinn to Tartu becomes an unusual and in a way exaggerated voyage depicting the life and mentality of contemporary Estonia through various human natures, attitudes and ways of thinking.


This was really misunderstanding... It was showed to us (jury) on Febiofest (film festival in Prague) and I suffered very much... This "comedy" is so cheap in quality, that i had to laugh to it's creators. I tried to find there something deeper (like: movie itself wants to show what's the affection of main role - Jan Uuspõld. Maybe the quality is reasonable...), but without success. Luckily, reputation of Estonian cinematography fixed next film (Magnus) and I don't have to make prejudices about other Estonian movies. I think, that every country has some black spot on it's cinematography, and it was this case.Please, people, don't destroy your taste and don't risk to watch it.

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this movie is good.i like Jan Uuspõld.especially Dan Põldroos (R.I.P. - 1970 - 2007)who was very banal guy,but the one of the funniest Estonian comic of all time maybe the funniest.I recommend this movie to people especially Estonians,but to others too.it was maybe a little bit banal,but never mind.the whole movie was a big mess.Estonia makes a few good movies in one year so it's good that we did again a little bit fun.Erich Krieger is actually good Estonian singer.Hannes Võrnu's role was a strange,but funny of course.Toomas Hendrik Ilves - Estonian President role was very strange. but i still recommend it. Maybe in some Europe people don't like it,but we like this movie.

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