13 Witches
13 Witches
| 09 January 2012 (USA)
13 Witches Trailers

13 Witches is a fantasy horror story where 13 sisters who practiced paganism, centuries ago, were wrongfully accused of being witches. They were tortured, punished and burned alive by those they loved. Only one of the sisters escaped: Nemsis A deal is struck between Nemesis and the devil can centuries later, the sisters have been reincarnated seek revenge on the ones who stole their lives.


I was actually enjoying the movie. Even though the quality was pretty crappy through half the movie. Plus, for something "Unrated & Uncensored" I did expect some nudity! Not just really crappy gore! Now if this is supposed to be the pilot movie to a TV Series, then it makes sense. Because then then story would continue in the TV Series. But if not, then the ending was really stupid!!! Because it doesn't end!!! Nothing that is supposed to happen, happens!!! They are only a third of the way done with what they need to do! According to the blog, it was an 18 episode web-series. It definitely needs to continue with normal 30-60 min episodes!

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Where do I even start? I don't know where the alleged $100,000 budget was spent, but it obviously wasn't on the actual production of this web series (perhaps on internet marketing sites to beef up the show's "popularity").From the incomprehensible storyline and poor writing, to the amateurish direction, 13 Witches is a train wreck from start to finish. I lost count of the number of times the camera crossed the axis, and how randomly each shot seemed to be composed.What few competent actors seemed to be involved (and there were VERY FEW) were completely hampered by a terrible script, that I doubt even they could decipher. Seriously, I watched all 18 episodes, and I have NO idea what was going on. It got more unintelligible with each instalment.Costume design and art direction were sadly lacking as well. You can have strong, empowered, sexy women without dressing them all like Hookers. For me, the costumes actually detracted from the supposed strength and power of the female characters. And if Nemsis lived in a grand castle, why did it look so much like a bunch of random apartments? Most of the above could be somewhat forgiven as an amateur web series if the sound wasn't so bad. Half of the time I couldn't understand anything anyone was saying, because their voices were too low, and often drowned out by background noise. Maybe next time spend a little of that $100,000 on proper sound equipment instead of internet bots to boost your ratings.And if you're going to name your characters after Goddesses, maybe try and get it right - it's Persephone, not Persephore.In closing, there's not much in the way of redeeming content when it comes to 13 Witches. It's written like porn, shot like porn, acted like porn, but lacks the payoff of getting to see anybody naked. So unless you want a lesson in how NOT to make a web series, I'd skip this all together, and seek out some of the more worthy content out there, because 13 Witches is just plain awful from start to finish.

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I have always been a very big fan of any film that has a vampire twist to it. I love a good TV show too, but often I find that a lot of these are predictable and similar.- Hot chick, stud guys, and the MEN are in control. What I totally enjoyed (loved) about 13 witches is that the sexy women represent us with power, sex, energy, and do it in a way that makes me proud to be a woman. The lead actresses were great especially Sabine, who played Nemesis. She is classy, but has raw emotions that seemed to shine through in this! i have to be honest... this movie puts you in the mood, and does so in a way that makes you feel like you want danger. If I was about to go to the gym, this movie would definitely motivate me to get my butt in gear! You can tell this movie is for both men and woman. I love powerful and sexy woman in film! Highly recommend.

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13 Witches is a sexy, modern take on the theme of revenge! There are wonderful and equal measures of fantasy and horror in here as we follow Nemesis (played superbly by Sabine Mondestin who also wrote this clever series) who, having been the only sister of the 13 wrongly accused as witches and tortured centuries ago to escape, strikes a deal with the devil – the result is a reincarnation of all the sisters and their glorious quest to seek revenge on those who did them wrong! The story lines are water tight, the acting is terrific and the direction by Mondestin is sharp and snappy. I really enjoyed (and am a little guilty to admit!) watching the witches seek their revenge and can highly recommend this web series – I would check out the excellent you tube channel to find out more – hopefully this gets picked up and is pushed into the mainstream where it deserves to be! Check it out!

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