This is a very authentic Soviet TV adaptation of Isaac Asimov's novel "The End of Eternity", which in turn is one of the most impressive stories about time travel I read.I remember watching it in East German TV in the mid 80's. It was in form of a short series and wasn't synchronized in German, only with subtitles, but nevertheless captivating.Some years later I discovered the book by Asimov and noticed, that I know its story already...There weren't so many TV and movie adaptations of science fiction stories produced in Eastern Europe before 1990, and this is definitely one of the best.
... View MoreI hadn't quite realized when I watched this how much of the original Isaac Asimov novel of The End of Eternity I'd forgotten since I read it as a child. I enjoyed it then, but I wasn't sure how it would hold up for an adult audience. This Soviet adaptation proves that if nothing else it at least films very well indeed. It actually made me wonder why this is the only filmed version as The End of Eternity seems perfectly suited for the screen, with an excellent and original science fiction idea behind the plot, and integral romance, and a theme of rebellion from the main character. All three of these things are brought across very well, and the other reviewer on this site is right when he uses the word "moody" to describe it. The central setting of "Eternity" is excellently realized -- at the same time as it is futuristic, huge, and imposingly impressive, it is also dank, unsettling, and off-putting. Which is just the right vibe for this place to give off, having as it does exciting power which it is frightening and suffocating in the use of. Even the use of old-fashioned business suits in the futuristic set gives just the right slightly-off feeling. The character of Harlan is build well through actions rather than words, which is right as he is established not to be an effusive person -- and this makes it the more effective when he rebels. And his falling for Noys is believable despite its quickness for the fact he has been established as having been so reserved an inexperienced. The the resolution of the theme of Harlan's opposition to corrupt authority -- in which he runs off and decides on uncompromising individuality, is a surprising and powerful one. Good writing and acting are easy to find here, but it's really most worthwhile as an occasionally out-there but always effective science- fiction mood piece. The musical underscoring is a big part of that, as well as darkened but futuristic sets, unusual camera angles, and more. Credit all round!
... View MoreFirst of all- this rare to find Soviet film stands apart from the many others sci fi movies of that time in the USSR. It deals with the idea, that some real people could get immoratlity by means of controlling the time periods inside the special lab-city called "Vechnost". They look like people but they are trained to work for Vechnost forever, as a part of its mechanism. They correct time holes,help people from other time to solve their problems by means of special mind- operating system.Everyone from Vechnost is immortal and they live in a very futuristic looking like place in the center of time , but some periods of time blocked from them, so two engineers are sent to solve the problem.As soon as The main character falls in love the operation goes wrong-this causes the destruction of the lab by people from some other time.The woman turns out to be fake-love, a spy, who was sent to disorganize Vechnost .Very moody and hypnotic film. I liked it more than "Solaris"
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