Zoobilee Zoo
Zoobilee Zoo
| 22 September 1986 (USA)
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  • Reviews

    I used to love this show. But for some reason no one else seemed to remember ever seeing it. I remembered the homely feeling I got from the show. It provided a carefree vision of the world, and yes I do know this was just fiction. Describing the show with all its pastels and animal characters must have made my friends think I was daft. But it is one of the shows I remember most. Wouldn't it be lovely to go back to your childhood? When life was simple and right and wrong clearly defined. As well as accompanied by cheerful songs.

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    I used to watch this show when I was a little girl. When I think about it, I remember it vaguely. Also, I remember the opening sequence and theme song vaguely. If you ask me, it was a good show which is very educational. In addition to that, everyone was ideally cast. The skits and songs were good, too. My favorite song was the theme song. I hope someone brings it back so die-hard fans of the show can see it again. Before I wrap this up, I'd like to say that I'll always remember this show in my memory forever, even though I haven't seen every episode. Now, in conclusion, if it's ever brought back on the air, I hope that you catch it one day before it goes off the air for good.

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    I remember watching this show when I was little.. It was one of my favorites, I even had a few on tape. Whenever I mentioned the show to anyone else.. they never heard of it.. I almost thought I was imagining it. I haven't seen the show in over ten years(I'm 17 now). I vaguely remember the theme song and bits and pieces of the show. Wish I could see it again-it'd bring back memories.

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    Yes, well growing up I knew a young boy who liked to sing the theme song. I have since memorized it. I would like to demonstrate but I think you believe me. If you don't believe me feel free to email me and I will give you the words, and if you really want, you can call me and I will sing it for you over the phone. In fact if I get enough of a response, I may put it on my outgoing message machine. So I loved Ben Vereen and their crazy animorphic characters. But I haven't seen the show in over ten years so I can't say for sure it's worth watching as an adult. But it's a catchy tune and you can dance to it. :)

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