Yukon Men
Yukon Men
| 24 August 2012 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Harriet Deltubbo

    What can I say? A fun concept. The obstacles are many for the stars of this survival show. You see the best in human nature shine through. I suggest you enjoy the first five or so episodes for what they are and let your mind play around with the opportunities there can be to make something interesting. An austere, gripping series about surviving against the odds. The real centerpiece of the film is its stars. This is a story about a place most people might not be able to conceive as all the featured stars struggle. It's not quite worth 8 out of 10, so I give it a solid 7 out of 10 and urge you to check it out if you can find it.

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    *** This review may contain spoilers ***First of all.Yukon men is not true survival. True survivalist don't waste energy nor being disorganized and nor being brutes and savages like this man who beat this wolverine with a stick while holding a gun and then shooting it. Also true survivalist don't use snowmobile and dogs at the same time. The dogs in that show are soo neglected which is pet abuse. They abuse wild animals as well.Yukon men is a mockery to the natives. It makes them look like violent and uncivil barbarians. Well is mostly made by trappers, Makers of this were white men.. Also the folks in that show are well dressed and have decent jobs. They do that for profit not survival. They use soo call "survival" for making extra profit. They're inhumane as possible to animals to maximize pelt value. True survival is not about profit, is about surviving.Also Yukon men reminds me of a VERY racist film called Africa addio.This movie slanders toward African tribes and make them look like disorganized savages, hunts like mindless animals and uses dogs. They waste lots of energy. Some use modern weapons. Also modern factory made pants and shorts w/e. This movie was soo based on colonialism.Real African tribes conserve their energy because in REAL survival we must waste little energy as possible. African tribes are highly organized they take their time when they hunt, They don't chase animals like mindless savages.Ebert gave this film 0/4 stars to Africa Addio.Now back to Yukon men, It is awful and is an atrocity.Is by far the worst show in history soo far.As for Yukon men I would give it 0/4. In IMDb format 0/10 stars.

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    milos dimitrov

    A few things ruined this show for me. First, the amount of repeated footage after every commercial. They were obviously try to extend a little bit of footage into the time slot, but I'd rather just see fewer episodes. Then there's the generated drama: -it's dangerous to cross a river in the middle of winter... but it's fine in the spring? -we're almost out of wood for the stove, crisis!, but in a day we can gather 2 weeks worth. -bears are dangerous, so let's crawl headfirst into a supposed den without a gun. Also, nice sound effects.This would have been a very interesting documentary, but as a TV show it wasn't very good.

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    I always watch and get taken up with the personalities as with the difficult lives they lead. To the father of the girls who shot the caribou. You had the perfect opportunity to be their hero and a hero to all of us women who watch the show and tried at some point in our lives to please our father and it was never good enough. That was disappointing and I actually cried for your girls. Girls you forgive your father. Men are stupid. They can't help it. In his heart he is proud of you but it was his job to provide meat so he couldn't see passed his own pride. We all know that and he knows it too. We are human and make mistakes. I'm sure he is a good man. To the son who shot the grizzly!! Wow!! Good job! What an interesting young man you are and so much character. I love the way you show who you are and the protectiveness you feel for your father. I love the show. I pray for all of you. As a woman I would like to see more of what life is like for the women there too.To you cry baby liberals who want to whine about killing ...It's called survival and real life. You who live your lives in a cell phone and a fast food restaurant .. of course you cannot identify with anything real because you are not real.

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