| 28 June 2008 (USA)
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  • Reviews

    Boy! Is this a good show! I like to watch it when I'm sick, have had a tough day, or just when it's on. I don't know where to start, uhhhh... How about John Henson, huh? He's an interesting character. Really makes me wonder, is he really like that? I hope not. He's been on Austin and Ally on Disney Channel as Austin's dad and I think his performance on this show smashes the one on Disney. But that's just me. John Anderson, however, he seems like Henson's opposite, but they work like a specially crafted team on Wipeout. You guys probably know this, but why did Jill Wagner take a break on the show? I haven't heard about that. Personally, I like Jill more than Vanessa Lachey, even though she only had a short time as host. Anyway... They have come up with interesting nicknames for the contestants, and they made me crack up sometimes. The show starts with 24 contestants, and you don't see all of them attempt the course, but you are able to see the best performances. Just as funny and ridiculous as some of the contestants are some of the obstacles along the way. People get hurt, but not really, and it seems the body shouldn't bend that way in some instances. This was a short review compared to my recent reviews, but thanks for reading!

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    Really for those that participate on this show you had to be really brave or really stupid in order to appear and try to make a fool of yourself despite it playing for money.You have to be really strong and really have the guts to make it through the obstacle course of all the shows that are given. As it not just involves strength but it also involves you being really movable and avoiding being slipping.As hard as it is to slip off the balls. But still, really it is so funny to see these people. Make a fool of themselves while they are having fun. Still I would not do that myself. As I do feel sorry for them.

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    I am not one who watches those reality shows. I saw my first episode of Big Brother this last season. This show had me gasping for air laughing.Those cheesy corn ball sound effects in the previews of the commercials had me grimacing at the thought of watching this show. I could not have been more wrong. The BIG BALLS will have you on the floor. And to watch people spin around really fast and then have to do something that requires major coordination that would be difficult stone cold sober will put more than a smile on your face.If you want to watch something silly, fast moving and enjoyable give this show a shot. I was calling people I know to get them to watch.When all is said and done it isn't just a joke it requires some true physical fitness, endurance, coordination and being able to think on your feet... and think after being dumped into a salad spinner.

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    "Wipe-out" is a remake of the American reality show "Most Extreme Elimination Challenge", which itself was just an English-dubbed version of the Japanese gameshow "Takeshi's Castle" which aired in the 80's.The original Japanese show was funny and mildly fascinating, the way it is fascinating to watch a train wreck you are not involved in.This new series is the same old stuff but Americanized. As with most remakes, something about the original show is lost in the recreation. You would think after the TV writers strike ended, there would be better programming than this.Warning: if you watch even 5 minutes of this crap, that is 5 minutes of your life you will never get back.

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