This show was first shown on NBC for 3 seasons, and is now continuing on TLC. I'm happy that they're continuing without much decline in the production value. I doubt it costs much, and the most important ingredient are the celebrities.Each episode, one celebrity investigate his/her ancestral history usually concentrating on something they're interested in. That's really the only rub I have against this show. The celebrities could certainly hide things they don't want to air in public. But most importantly, they might be interested in a really boring ancestor.That doesn't happen a lot. Most of the discoveries are quite fascinating. Not only does it reveal personal history, but sometimes it reveals little known world history events. It brings the past worlds to life in the most personal ways.
... View MoreHumans love stories, and this show does an excellent job of using television to tell the stories of real people, without being maudlin or mawkish, or throwing them into contrived situations for comic or dramatic effect. While we are dealing with the ancestors of a very select group of people (after all, how many would watch a show about *my* family tree?), the stories they tell are the stories of all of us: the former German POW who loved his time in an Iowa POW camp so much he came back to the U.S. after WWII. The story of a family torn apart by alcoholism and abuse. The story of people fighting for justice, sometimes at the risk of their own lives.To get stories told this well, I am willing to put up with the heavy handed references to, and the smiling, infallible librarians and archivists who seem to always have just the right document.Lisa Kudrow was great in "Friends" but I think this is the show should should put at the top of her resume
... View MoreIf you're a person who's interested in seeing where people came from and what made them what they are today then this is definitely the show for you.The show focuses on a different celebrity each episode whether if they're an actor, musician or athlete. You have them go around the country and sometimes the world looking up birth certificate, death certificates or whatever to find out what took place in the earlier generations of your family. A lot of times the ancestors of these celebrities were involved with some fairly significance moments in history.Not the best show ever but it's an interesting watch for an hour at a time.
... View MoreRespect tyhe privacy of the deadThis show talks about the private lives of generations of relatives. The show I watched yesterday about a woman who dug up the 3 marriage contracts of her great great grandfather just to be able to say and chuckle that "he was married 3 times" raises the issue about the privacy of the dead.At present time, NSW laws do not allow people who are not party to the marriage to get copies of marriage certificates. But if they are 30 years old, anyone, not even those related to them can. There is here a certain irony.Likewise from a certain ethical point of view, just because they are dead doesn't mean you can do whatever you like just because you can. If they were living, do you think those people would have allowed very distant relatives to pry into their lives, let alone dig up and get copies of their marriage contracts? Put yourself in the place of the dead. See how it goes.Furthermore, Article 17 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights provides "Article 17 1. No one shall be subjected to arbitrary or unlawful interference with his privacy, family, home or correspondence, nor to unlawful attacks on his honour and reputation.2. Everyone has the right to the protection of the law against such interference or attacks. " Just because they are dead 30 years or 100 years does not mean that have become less than "everyone". They were someone once, as we are now.Likewise, the OECD Guidelines on the Protection of Privacy and Transborder Flows of Personal Data provides that "although national laws and policies may differ, Member countries have a common interest in protecting privacy and individual liberties, and in reconciling fundamental but competing values such as privacy and the free flow of information; ".Sometimes its not what we want to do with other people's lives but its what they would have wanted had they been alive
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