What Lives Inside
What Lives Inside
| 25 March 2015 (USA)
  • 1
  • Reviews
    Charles Herold (cherold)

    In What Lives Inside, a puppeteer's son finds himself magically transported into a strange, beautiful world of balloon trees and magical creatures. The series, which is really a short film chopped into four pieces, is simply excuse for creating a gorgeous fantasy world. Unfortunately, the only goals for WLI are that it look pretty and prominently feature Dell's tablet. No one was interested in a solid script.It begins alright, as the protagonist wanders in and out of this world. but once it comes time to explain why, the series hits a whole series of cliches and sappy exposition that telegraphs the finale. Rather than build up its themes slowly and then put them all together into something surprising and meaningful, we just get a bunch of light comedy and special effects for the first half and a bunch of trite nonsense you've seen done better hundreds of times.My recommendation; watch the first episode or two just to see the pretty scenery and then just stop.

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    Horst in Translation ([email protected])

    "What Lives Inside" is an American mini-series from last year that consists of 4 episodes that run for an average of 11 minutes each, so the entire thing does not even run for 45 minutes and can easily be watched during one sitting. The cast is pretty spectacular. It includes Emmy and Golden globe nominee Colin Hanks, Emmy winners Catherine O'Hara and Keith David and, last but not least, Oscar winner J.K. Simmons. And the crew also includes several Oscar nominees. The story is about a man whose father, a famous puppeteer, dies and the man now does not only has to deal with his grief and the idea that his father was maybe to all children on the planet a better dad than to his own, but he has to deal with a whole new fantastic world. The visual side of this film is the real strength and the story is fine too. There isn't one area where this mini-series is really breathtaking, but the complete package has no weakness either and is a pretty good watch from start to finish. Simmons is great to watch as always. I recommend checking this one out and I'd probably have watched as well if this was a full feature of 90-100 minutes. Thumbs up.

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    Sebastian Heron

    It's difficult to describe such a strange experience, sometimes this piece had me in awe; as seemingly dated graphics pleased the eye. On the contrary however, the poor acting (particularly from Colin Hanks) could have been what changed this series from quality to mediocre.Sadly the fact that this was an advert, as opposed to a short film was its greatest mistake, it made constant reference to the Dell tablet it was advertising, even to the point of suggesting it was some kind of "worldly device".Overall it was a decent show, it was hard to forget that it was an advert due to the way the show presented itself, however it had a sweet story and attractive CGI and it even managed (rarely be it) to make me think I was watching a movie/TV show instead of an advert, which is sadly really rare in this kind of media.Bare in mind that this is not compared against any other TV series or movies, this is rated based on its quality as a web series. For which I felt it excelled in.

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    In recent years, it is one of the best science fiction films. But why so little is always good :) All good, but the series is very short! Though the beginning and turned dramatic, the film makes you wait for something good. Graphics on top! I have not seen such a bright, colorful and fantastic images and characters. Game actors - at the height of the atmosphere is transferred to 100%. I would recommend to stay in a feature film for a fascinating story. I hope that the film will get a good score and remove the second season. Tips for viewing adult, children, families. Always wondered why you can not let the whole season, because the series is very short? We would wait for the next episode!

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