TV-14 | 17 January 2014 (USA)
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  • Reviews

    Very light amusing distraction. Stuff for watching before bed with the wife. (Avoid the follow-on Velvet Collection - which is trash)In the same genre - Spanish sloppy stuff - Grand Hotel is better.

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    The fashion (both men's and women's) and cars of this era were beautiful. The story line from beginning to end ran through all emotions but the friendships were wonderful. One thing I noticed throughout the series was the acting was so spot-on and I'm hard to please when it comes to watching movies. I would have liked a season five.

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    Christine Finlay

    Oh puhleeze make more seasons!!! PUHLEEZE PUHLEEZE PUHLEEZE!!!! I'm drawing close to the end of Season 4! HELP!!!Normally, I find TV series rather boring, but this show had me totally entranced. In one of the particularly compulsively sagas, I was glued to my screen until 3am, then get up the next day & watched more over breakfast before going to work. I TOTALLY LOVE THIS SHOW!!! It's got it all, glamour, intrigue, great dialogue, sensational acting. Marvelous settings. You name it, it's there.

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    In a world of television that is inundated with murder, senseless comedy, ridiculous reality TV and violence, I found Velvet to be so refreshing! This show took me back to a much more innocent era and I loved seeing the costumes, the automobiles, and the way women back then presented themselves.The actors were just terrific and truly brought out there parts beautifully. They really captured all the emotions of life such as anger, hurt, pain, love, betrayal, tenderness. They truly brought out the meaning of family, loyalty, work ethic and support.Our television today doesn't come close to this kind of quality!When you cannot wait to see the next episode, you know you have a hit on your hands. My question is this, why then did it get canceled when it was and is so entertaining.This was the best series I have seen in a very long time!!

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