Two Guys and a Girl
Two Guys and a Girl
TV-14 | 10 March 1998 (USA)
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  • Reviews

    ***WARNING: CONTAINS SPOILERS***The first two seasons of this show were excellent, with good character development and great comedy. However, season 3 started to kill this show, partly because the pizza place was abandoned, but mainly because Pete and Sharon didn't end up being together and because Berg and Ashley broke up. It was so obvious that the writers did this only to prolong the show, because if they had done this, the show would have ended in the third season. It would've been fine with me, since most of season 2 was Berg courting Ashley and numerous hints that Pete and Sharon "meant to be". It would have been great if the third season focused on Pete/Sharon and Berg/Ashley getting together because after all, Johnny and Irene were secondary characters (in terms of time on screen and dialogue) compared to these 4. The show started to lose its appeal (also shown in the ratings at the time) in the third season, and was moved to the Friday night death slot for the fourth season. This is when the show started to get extremely bad - the comedy practically vanished, the plot lines were dull, and the show ended up being "Three Guys and Three Girls" rather than "Two Guys, a Girl, and a Pizza Place". Also, the fact that Pete/Ashley and Berg/Irene ended up being together was simply absurd - it just made no sense given their history of mocking and hating each other.In a nutshell, I would have preferred 3 great seasons instead of 2 great seasons, 1 sub-par season, and 1 horrendous season. It's a shame because the show was great initially, but it ended up getting ruined.

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    OMG! This is without a doubt my favorite t.v. show ever. Everything about this show was just perfect, the writing, the characters (i loved Irene), everything. Ryan Reynolds was absolutely phenomenal in this show! The chemistry between the three main characters was absolutely brilliant. They just fed off of each other so well! They used to show reruns of this show on WE and that's how i got hooked, i was so mad when they took it off. Anyways this show has to come out on DVD!!! I would buy it in a's just amazing 10/10Ryan Reynolds is the awesome! (and so hot! especially in Blade Trinity!)

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    I loved this show... I would like that go on. Its so bad that canceled them. The first temporate was the best, when Bill and Mister Bauer was in the cast... I wish they come back, you know, new episodes, would be great. I hope that someday I can find the dvd with all episodes of the serie. No Doubts that Two Guys a girl and a pizza place is the best show of all others. NO Doubts.

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    There were so many great elements to this show. Funny storylines, fun characters, good actors and humour (which in my opinion, is lacking from some of today's more recent so-called comedies).It is disappointing that this show is no longer running, however, should you get the chance to catch a re-run of the show, i suggest you do. It's highly entertaining, even after seeing the episode for the fifth time.

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