TV-PG | 10 September 2007 (USA)
  • 13
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  • Reviews

    This show is designed to attract ignorant people and distract them with celebrity gossip and drama. They fail to deliver the fact that these stories are exaggerated and these people are just like anyone else.The people who write for TMZ are all ignorant uncultured bigots, please direct all friends and family to something educationally fulfilling and scientific.

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    I change the channel as soon as the news is over on the station that televises this crap. These people are idiots, morons and losers. How does this stupid show stay on the air? I feel like I want to puke when I see them and hear their voices. Are they really that stupid is it just for the show. Where is the show recorded, what sort of education do these idiots have. They remind me of the Kartrashians, morons and imbeciles. I wish that they would go away, disappear, get a life and find something worthwhile to do with their time. Perhaps they can have Beyonce, the Kartrashians, Kaeperpric appear as guests on their show. I want to punch their faces, punch the faces of the writers, producers, directors and those who watch this nonsense. Maybe it is supposed to be nonsense and make light of entertainment. A spoof, joke, making fun of stars. This is like the National Enquirer. Like Jerry Springer, Maury Popvich or other talk shows that are on to insult our intelligence. No wait a minute the I.Q.'s of the viewers is probably less than 35.

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    TMZ you know, the...worst humanity has ever put the...history of the human terrible that I hate getting a clip to show you because I feel like getting the footage is giving them a fraction of support and that makes me feel like the devil. that f*cking bad. And yet people still watch them like they're saying something important, when all they're doing is praying somebody will blow their brains out to preserve whatever measly shreds of journalistic decency they have left. If you're actually dumb enough to watch past the first two seconds without realizing it's sucking whatever intelligence you have, then you deserve your purgatory of rubbing tabloids on your genitalia, thinking you're getting laid and claiming to others you know how the world works when really, you're just crying your virgin ass to sleep every night while eating your Dorrito and Cap'n Crunch sandwiches! No, seriously, you stab God every time you see this show! You rape a kitten every time you don't change the channel! As my title says: Whoever's watching it, sleep with something... for your own good.

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    Jason Evans

    I was flicking through the channels yesterday when I stumbled across TMZ on TV for the first time, just as they were asking the question "What is Matthew Perry up to nowadays?""Oh my gosh", I thought to myself, "I've been so busy worrying about the situation in Syria, the Eurozone Crisis, and the conflict in Libya that I've completely forgotten to keep up to date with the life of Matthew Perry". Ashamed of my ignorance, I stayed tuned and watched those fearless TMZ reporters, valiant guardians of truth that they are, chase Matthew Perry across a restaurant car park whilst shouting insightful questions like "Matthew, who were you with tonight?" and "Matthew, do you still talk to Matt le Blanc?" These are questions that we all need to know the answers to, and yet the BBC and CNN stubbornly refuse to report on them - preferring to focus on trivial matters like famines, droughts and wars. Thank God that TMZ on TV is here to supply us with real, hard-hitting, investigative journalism!

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