Tim and Eric Awesome Show, Great Job!
Tim and Eric Awesome Show, Great Job!
| 11 February 2007 (USA)
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  • Reviews

    Although this comic gem may just seem like random trash to some people, others, like me, find all sorts of pleasure and entertainment out of this show's absurd style of comedy. It manages to make some nearly die laughing, and others just question the appeal of it all, and I cannot blame people who simply do not get it. Tim and Eric's style isn't for everybody, but I'm glad to see that there's plenty of people who are really into this surrealistic and hilarious show!While every episode has a basic theme throughout, and a lot of the time even some sort of basic plot structure, it's normally all over the place. It'll mix celebrity cameos with fake commercials with some skits that come across as just plain uncomfortable and unsettling. If you're a newcomer to the show, you must be warned that at times there will be a sketch that will make you CRINGE, whether it's the over exaggerated gross out sound effects or bizarre dialogue, there's definitely plenty here to make anybody feel just plain odd. But it's all just simply part of the journey that is "Tim and Eric, Awesome Show, Great Job!"The show also has a really satirical edge to it. There's plenty of sketches that are clearly mocking something, whether it be 90's television or even nature shows, they are absolute satirical masters! With all it's intentionally bad green screens, sharp satire, and just flat out uncomfortable scenes, "Tim and Eric, Awesome Show, Great Job" is truly something to behold!

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    The person who gave this a 1 star review ("chiefsanch") has absolutely no clue whatsoever what comedy is. He/she had "Abso-Lutely" no business reviewing this show. This show is absurdly brilliant. The sketches are intended to be ridiculous. There isn't another show like it. It's nice to see a comedy show that just lets loose and doesn't try to "tell you it's funny." Tim and Eric Awesome Show, Great Job! allows you to lose your mind and just enjoy the insanity.So if you enjoy ridiculous FUNNY sketches, this show is for you. Is every sketch funny? No. But that's like with anything. Chances are you don't like every single song on every CD you own. People, like "chiefsanch" have a very narrow mind, and now imagination at all, which is why they gave this show a 1 star. Tim and Eric is a breath of fresh air, and there really isn't another show quite like it. Tim and Eric has a HUGE cult following for a reason- because it's funny.

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    Its the best show on TV for me. But again like everyone is saying its not for everyone on purpose. They keep getting funnier season by season, and season one is hilarious.and for the naysayers saying don't watch it it isn't funny..... Why do Ben stiller, will Ferrell, Paul Rudd, john c Reilly, Michael cera, Ted danson, David cross, will forte, john mayor, Elisha Cuthbert, Rainn Wilson, The lonely island, Bill Hader, and Zach Galifianakis get on the show? Because people with a great sense of humor love the show. If you haven't't seen it watch it and enjoy the ride!!! And if you don't like it....then good more show for me.

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    Josh Clapham

    Though this review might not be all that long, I hope those who read these will not skim over it. I am writing this review to spare many people of the pain that is this horrible show.Anywho, Tim and Eric have tried for ages to be funny. They started with Tom Goes to the Mayor, which, honestly, was rather funny. However, once they decided to try to parody what feels like just about everything that (they think) needs parodying and start to dabble in the crap-fest that is "anti-humor", they tank horribly.The problem with anti-humor is just that: It's not funny. When you start to get into the meta side of comedy and humor, things get very much confusing and too muddled. As far as your average human being (or even some of your above-average) goes, any joke that you have to think about for more than 10-20 seconds is a bit much. And that is exactly what Tim and Eric try to do.For those that actually feel like contemplating comedy and reading up on the subject, you might find some form of humor in the show. However, for your average viewer of Adult Swim, it's just not a great show. It's extremely sad to see the directors of the network start to drift from blunt humor like The Oblongs and Mission Hill to this absurd, abstract trash.

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