The Split
The Split
TV-MA | 24 April 2018 (USA)
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  • Reviews

    I loved the split, all the characters were interesting and the acting was amazing, been crying my eyes out at the last episode, I like that it had a story regarding all members of the family, but didn't focus too much on any one individual. Would love an other series.

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    First World problems, the TV series. Loads of people whining on about stuff that no one cares about. Stephen Mangan, you can do so much better.

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    With the cast list for this series I expected something special. Instead we got staccato talking, often unintelligible and seldom more than a clipped sentence. Poor camera work, but that is the norm these days, and so many different people and scenarios were covered that I doubt that I will remember half the details next week - assuming I can be bothered to try a second episode. And why has this 'Hey' greeting crept in? Can't we do anything in this country without mimicking the Americans?

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    This is a BBC Drama production.Consequently the Sisterhood Rools O.K.? Husbands,lovers,clients are all put down ruthlessly or depicted as dickheads of the worst order.Some particularly unfortunate ones get both treatments. The girls get to power dress,bond, and "you and me against the world" is the watchword. It's all a bit 1980s actually and a "homage" to countless USTV dramas set in Law Offices with stockinged legs gleaming like workplace sanctuary never happened. Miss N.Walker ,as is her wont,rises above the clichés,but even she is stymied with some of the dialogue she is supposed to take seriously. That awfully nice bloke from the coffee ads back in the day plays her father who deserted her and her mother and siblings thirty eight years earlier. It's all his fault apparently.Stephen Thompkinson plays out of his comfort zone as a multi - millionaire sports goods manufacturer (based,one wonders,on whom?) and he gives the best performance. He and the remarkably consistent Miss Walker are head and shoulders above the rest of the cast who otherwise do their own familiar thing and it is this familiarity plus Miss Walker's acknowledged pulling power(second only to Miss S.Lancaster I would guess) that will keep "The Split" going the distance. Love the hair colour,Nichola,but ditch the jacket - it's so not you.

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