The Omega Factor
The Omega Factor
| 13 June 1979 (USA)
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  • Reviews

    I never saw this before until I purchased the DVD recently. Very interesting, even more so for seeing the combination of Louise Jameson AKA Leela from Doctor Who, teamed up with what to me is a Tom Baker lookalike, and the fact that his name in this series is _Tom_, seemed kind of funny. Rather like watching an alternative version of Dr Who and Leela, OK, it was maybe mainly the character Tom Crane's hair that made me think of Tom Baker, but I can't believe I'm the only one to have noticed a similarity, and maybe it's just me, but I think the similarity is more than just his hair, his face too bore a look of Tom Baker to a certain degree. Anyhow, that bit of trivia out of the way, I really enjoyed the series for the story too, very thought provoking with it's tales of mind control and secret organisations and not knowing who to trust. A shame they never made another series. Apparently another one looked likely, but the rumour is that Mary Whitehouse and her listener's association complained, (she did the same with Doctor Who, "The Deadly Assassin" story mainly, maybe she had an aversion to curly haired men! Or Tom Baker and any lookalike! LOL) and the series had loose ends that would maybe have been dealt with in a second series. How Mary Whitehouse came to have so much sway over what got shown on TV, is anyone's guess, but Doctor Who had to be 'toned down' on her say so, cuz the makers got fed up with her complaining about it. Nice to see these much loved series getting DVD releases now, this one, along with the Saphire and Steel series, and the complete set of "Timeslip", and now the Armchair Thrillers being put out on DVD too, have been well worth waiting for and praise be to whoever is responsible for them seeing the light of day now.

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    I found what I've seen of this series to be too slow and not very interesting for my liking. I must admit I bought this series blind thinking it would be another good BBC like production - how wrong I was. The most interesting part of the series is how it is an early version of X-files. Also the mysterious element kept me watching, because I wanted to know what happens next, more so out of curiosity. I bought this set around March / April and haven't watched all of it yet - Ifind it difficult to finish episodes and need a frequent breaks before I can come back and finish watching them. I'm hoping when I start watching the remaining episodes - there's about six to go - my opinion might change somewhat, and I'll be able to watch the rest of the series without needing to feel I have to leave the room. I've never done this with any BBC TV series, so obviously this series isn't doing much for me. I will have to make sure I do my research more thoroughly before investing in a TV series I know little about. This is the only dud purchase I've made, and even though it is so, there are elements of The Omega Factor I find slightly interesting... like the psychic connection, visions of the main protagonist. I will report later what I think of the entire series once I'm finished, but I can see why it only lasted one season.

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    Saw this when it was first broadcast (when I was 12) and I found it truly disturbing. I don't think the BBC ever repeated this but it was a show which has lingered in my memory ever since. It built up quite nicely and the use of urban locations added a certain realism to the whole proceedings.The story revolved around investigations into a number of paranormal incidents which are eventually revealed as part of a satisfying over-arching conspiracy - with a lot more plot coherence than, say, the X files or Millennium.I would be very interested in getting this on DVD - even if it was only to compare the reality to my hazy memories.

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    Christopher Moore

    I saw the series just once, but I longed for each episode to come round. I have the book (which is good) but OHHHHH I would like to see the series again.Expect atmosphere. Expect uncanny. Expect thrills. If you get the chance, take it. You'll be haunted by the memory! Don't expect fantastic effects, ray guns, funny aliens or obscenities. You don't need those to ice your spine. In fact, good stories, good acting, and good dialogue are far more important, and although it's been a few years now, I seem to remember that the Omega Factor has all those.Why it isn't on DVD is a mystery worthy of the program itself. It's like Kolchak:Night Stalker and Australia's own "The Evil Touch". An absolute gem, but as with all gems, hard to find. Channel 2 (in Australia) showed this series, so perhaps if you live in God's own country you might like to pester the ABC into a reshow.

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