The Nightly Show with Larry Wilmore
The Nightly Show with Larry Wilmore
| 19 January 2015 (USA)
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  • Reviews

    This show is racist propaganda and has only grown worse and worse since it's utter train wreck of an end. Larry Wilmore uses a biased form of comedy to bash politicians and business men and then cowards behind the mirage of being a "satirical news program." Most of the jokes land flat unlike Jon Stewart or John Oliver. Larry Wilmore did not start strong at all and it was obvious from the first episode what this show was going to be, just filling a time slot for Colbert. Larry Wilmore looks like Elmer Fudd and that is probably the most entertaining part of this program in all honesty. For my last point if you're going to be satiracle news program you've got to be funny and have your own style, Larry Wilmore did not execute this well. When Jon Stewart left these forms of comedy have slowly went down the drain. Bill Maher using racial slurs, Trevor Noah's anti Semitic and misogynistic views, Colbert's homophobic remarks. It's time to stop. Either have a hideous with all cast on these programs or just find the next comedy that actually works.

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    The show got cancelled in Aug 2016 and that's a bloody shame.Just like The Daily and Colbert Report did The Nightly Show taught me a lot and without knowing it the show has changed my perspective on a few things, and I'm grateful for it.I love Stewart and Colbert but their clever, witty show styles can be and is copied now that big media realized its a cash cow (look at Full Frontal and The Democracy Handbook which I also love). But the Nightly has more soul and a great team that focused on race more than other shows and was a tad more serious and challenged the norm (like Wilmore's speech at the WHCD) which ultimately lead to its demise (which I believe is a very short-sighted decision by CC).I'm sure Yard, Albenese, Walker, Veles, Ramsey, Parra, Carlos, and Wilmore along with the Trump character and Felonious Munk will get jobs very easily after demonstrating the huge talent they are.

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    I was surprised and saddened that Comedy Central would cancel his series. Larry is funny, intelligent and a gentleman. I'm surprised nobody caught on to his show. Larry has had an impressive curriculum vitae. Maybe his humor isn't for everybody. He never talked down to his audience but to them with respect and reverence. His series raised awareness about issues especially police brutality against African Americans. As a white person, I was never offended by Wilmore or his commentators. I would have hoped that white viewers would open their eyes and listen to them. I hope Larry Wilmore finds a home elsewhere on television.

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    I see a lot of one star ratings about this show, I can't project on why those viewers did not like this show, but after viewing it from the start, it has gotten progressively better, it's at it's zenith. Larry opens and holds the conversation that the country doesn't want to have, but does so with humor and empirical data. This smart combination is presented in a format that allows us to laugh not at racial issues, but why we feel the way we do about those issues. Larry rips through the machinations of our Eurocentric culture and digs into the id and unveils what we have the hardest time observing, our nature. This is all done with great satirical wit and a strong sense of irony that permeates the conversation. The best part of the show is Wilmore, what you see is what you get, him being true to himself as comedian and satirist alone is worth the price of the ticket, your time.

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