The Legend of Prince Valiant
The Legend of Prince Valiant
| 03 September 1991 (USA)
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  • Reviews

    i grew up reading Hal Foster's {yes, i mean "Foster's" }Prince Valiant and as a kid it was something i liked and followed, this was the main reason i started watching the TV series when it first aired in the 1990s. i was struck at once how totally different the two {comic strip & TV series} were. the series was so cool though, that there was no deal for me to even consider them as the same thing. i kept reading the strip {i actually owned many Foster comic books at the time} and i started recording the series on VHS. it wasn't too long before i began to become a bigger fan of the series v.s. the comics. why did this happen? first the character of Valiant on the series is more satisfying than his one-dimensional source character. losing the entire 'christian viking' backstory was another good move, as i never could quite understood why a Viking Prince would have a page-boy of jet black hair? Also the TV Valiant has two friends who serve as co-stars throughout the series. Arn {who in the strip is actually two characters, 1 Prince Arn of Ord who rivals Valiant for Ilene, 2 Valiant first born son} wasn't some rip-off of Valiant, he has his own personality and own issues to deal with, and Rowanne a totally un-cannon character who is the series' sweetheart. later comic character Aleta shows up, also given a warrior-princess make-over. my personal favorite character on the series is Merlin, he is about the greatest character ever created in animation form. the stories within the series are different from their comic book source the comics due to not hanging around in history and the discovering of America, but rather they stay in the mythical world of Camelot bringing a few modern issues along. Robby Benson's voice blended perfectly with Prince Valiant, as did Michael Horton as Arn and Noelle North as Rowanne. The entire voice cast has never been matched to date, not even by the past few years my interest in Foster's Valiant faded a bit {i still like the strip for what it is }but through the years my fandom for the TV Valiant has grown. at the end of the day, Foster's strip was another well-drawn comic strip, that told a story of a young prince who grew up and lived in the days of king arthur. the series on the other hand, brought to life a young prince who embodied the spirit of his name 'Valiant'.anyone who dislikes "The Legend of Prince Valiant" is missing out on a series with awesome characters, deep plot lines, and amazing animation set to a wonderful soundtrack.the ideals of truth, and justice have become outdated to people now days, so this excellent example of 'everything that's good in the world' is not going to gain anything in this crazy age.what else can i say, i'm a die-hard Prince Valiant fan, and a loyal member of The Legend of Prince Valiant Fan Club, i love bring part of the cool fan forum "Valiant-Arn-Rowanne-Forever!" the fans of this series are the best, and their favorite series is too!

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    Not many have heard of "The Legend of Prince Valiant" and an equal amount missed seeing it when it aired on heavily censored, Pat Robertson controlled, Family Channel, {for which the series was created} back in the the 90s. So it's no wonder that the adventures of young Prince Valiant and friends has been overlooked the past decade. Overlooked by many, yes. Forgotten by the viewers who grew up with it, no."The Legend of Prince Valiant" dared to submerge into social issued plots lines ranging from child abuse, and racial discrimination, to moral lessons about coming of age. {Not your typical 'Saturday Morning Cartoon' material!} The program strove to teach and entertain at the same time, without rose coloring it's story lines. Many talented writers penned the series' 65 episodes {among them fan favorites Brooks Watchel, and Frank Karr} and the plots were brought to an excellent hight of drama, comedy, and adventure by the voice cast, including Robby Benson as "Valiant" Michael Horton as "Arn", Noelle North as "Rowanne", and Alan Oppenheimer as "Merlin". Much to the series' credit, the plot content and deeply developed characters overthrew any questions with the perfection of the animation techniques. {Which in my opinion remains above the likes of Cartoon Network's Productions to date} The series also has an excellent soundtrack by 'Exchange', and very memorable theme titled "Where the truth lies" { That knocks the "Captain Planet" theme into a musical abyss.} The time, work and talent that was put into this series did earn it a few awards, but in the end Pat Robertson and The 700 Club cut it, finding it too "adult" and not sensitive enough to their Network Politics. A sad end for a hero like Valiant..............And yet the fans of the series continue to uphold their interest even after a decade of it's demise. With the BCI release of the the entire series {65 episodes} in two volume DVD sets, "The Legend of Prince Valiant" is now available to a new generation of viewers, as well as die-hard fans of Camelot's most honored {yet overlooked} hero, Prince Valiant.

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    An excellent cartoon for people of all ages. The Legend of Prince Valiant follows the adventures of an exiled prince and two of his friends as they strive to become knights of the round table. The animation is simply wonderful. Very different from what you would find on a typical Saturday morning. The story lines were good enough that an adult would not be bored and even contained a moral for children and helps them to develop an appreciation for Arthurian legends. The voices of the animated characters were well done and included some notable guest appearances. The episodes often built upon one another and the characters seemed to grow and change as they matured. Possibly the most underrated cartoon of all times!

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    but i am currently looking for vhs or dvd releases or recordings of every episode of this show i am very much interested in it and would pay money to anyone who could find them but anyway im supposed to comment on this show what more can i say it was awesome i dont remember a better show or movie it is a must see sadly i missed most of the episodes but what i did see which was all of season 1 and some of the other seasons were the best shows i have ever seen.

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