The Killing
The Killing
TV-MA | 03 April 2011 (USA)
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  • Reviews

    I am only part way through the second season. I had to stop watching for a long while after the first season because it is just too depressing. Watching people's pain grind on and on is really hard for me. The role that gets to me the most is the dad Stan, played by Brent Sexton. Brent does a fantastic job of playing a man who has to live through this nightmare while keeping his family afloat essentially alone because his wife goes emotionally (and physically) MIA in her own grief. Seeing how it affects the whole family is just tragic. If Brent wasn't such a good actor, this whole part of the plot would have been lackluster and wouldn't ring true. He depicts it perfectly and that's what makes it horrible (and wonderful) to watch. After I'm done with season two, we'll see if I need to take another break before watching season 3.

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    TV doesn't get much better. You can tell because you actually have to pay attention to the tightly-plotted episodes to keep up with everything going on. Gritty, suspenseful--overused, but accurate words for this series. Everything is dark and edgy in atmosphere and plotting, but what clearly seals that deal is the richness of the characters. Fully fleshed out, they are wildly imperfect human beings with a burning desire for justice--a corny proposition that they probably could not even acknowledge to themselves. Their flaws, their problems and their disorders are obstacles to be overcome, but never seem hackneyed for one obvious reason: the acting is brilliant and makes it real. Mireille Enos is particularly amazing. She always seems one step away from a real nervous breakdown and it never seems contrived as she tries to juggle all the balls in her life. The only really sad part here is that in the little coda that was produced to wrap things up, there was at least one, huge false note. I don't want to set out spoilers, but that penultimate scene with the Mayor, et al in collaboration was simply absurd. None of it rang true. It couldn't have happened with that many people, witnesses. Ok--4 seasons, 1 false note (although that was a doozy that really marred the finale). I can forgive it.

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    I am watching the dvds on the killing and it is the same in every way as the series of the tunnel. who was the first to make this series?

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    I love dramas/mistery shows and this became one of my favorites. I've watched last year (late I know) and I fell in love not only with the characters but with the storyline. The first 2 seasons are mind-blowing, you can see the investigation but also the life of the family of the victim, which you don't see very often. Also Kinnaman and Enos's chemestry is amazing, they're both very talented actors.Honestly, I love it!

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