The Guardian
The Guardian
TV-PG | 25 September 2001 (USA)
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  • Reviews

    "THE GUARDIAN," in my opinion, is a pure CBS classic! I haven't seen every episode, but I still enjoyed it. However, I think it was always touching when a mishap occurred. I always felt deeply moved. It's hard to say which episode was my favorite. It would probably have to be the pilot. Despite the fact that it was a short-lived series, it would have been nice if all the main characters had stayed with the show throughout its entire run. It seems that no one stays with a show throughout its entire run. Everyone always gave a good performance, the production design was spectacular, the costumes were well-designed, and the writing was always very strong. In conclusion, I hope they bring it back on the air for fans of the show to see.

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    Pepper Anne

    Fans of 'Judging Amy' or 'Family Law' (pre-Tony Danza) would probably have enjoyed this television series which was pretty much Simon Baker's claim to fame (at least as far as being a recognized actor in America) as he was cast as the lead, Nick Fallin. The basic premise was that Fallin, as punishment for drug use, is sentenced to fulfill a term of community service. Already skilled as a lawyer, he is sent to split his time between being a high-time lawyer and working as a part-time "Gaurdian" (basically, legal defense for minors) at a Legal Aid firm. Fallin seems more determined not to put too much heart into this work, despite the tragic cases that pass through the system, but, as most characters in these types of situations do, he can't help but sometimes become disheartened with the difficulties of the system or his clients. I didn't really like Baker's performance. I couldn't tell if his lack of emotional (I don't think I ever saw him smile more than once or twice during the three years of the series) was intentional, or just Baker's limited acting abilities.But, flanked by the talents of Dabney Coleman who later takes on a full-time role as Fallin's father, and Alan Rosenberg, who plays the more idealistic member of the firm, Alvin Masterson, among other interesting characters in the supporting cast, provide a nice counterpart to Baker's sometimes deadpan manner. CBS seemed to have made some effort somewhere from the mid 90s to early 2000 to bring in shows about people who worked in some form of social service. 'L.A. Doctors' was about doctors dealing with the bureaucracies of the health care system (among other things). 'Family Law' primarily criticized the treatment of minors in the system (and, sometimes domestic violence, among many many other topics). 'Judging Amy' is one of the most successful of these shows in which nearly every character works in some different form of public service, so there are many opportunities there to analyze things. But, it seems, that few of these shows (save Judging Amy, which may be the last of its kind on CBS) manage to stay long on this network, often sacked for more of the same criminal investigation shows following the immense (but now waning?) popularity of CSI.

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    I really enjoy this series, even in reruns, I just don't understand why it gets so little publicity in the regular season. The acting is so good, Simon Baker and Dabney Coleman...make a statement just by the raising of an eyebrow or a smile. Nick Fallin as played by Baker really is a kpuzzlement!! But as you watch the story develop, even if you think Fallin is using poor judgement, you end up hoping he succeeds to make things right for himself or his client! Such a challanging hour!! Thanks so much, looking forward to the fall season

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    The Guardian is hands down the best drama currently on television. It's amazing to me how Simon Baker has never won an Emmy for his portrayal of Nick Fallin - the ex cocaine addict who's forced to put in 1600 hours of community service as a child advocate for the legal aid services center in Pittsburgh. This is in addition to being a principal partner in his father's corporate law firm. Watching Nick run from the courtroom to the board room (and occasionally the bedroom) and back again with nary a moment to gather his thoughts can leave the viewer exhausted by the end of the show but this is also part of its appeal. We can feel Nick's stress and associate it with our own harried lives.None of the central characters on this show are without their flaws - Nick is often aloof and emotionless - caring more about corporate mergers than whether or not he is best serving the interests of those he defends during his community service. He rarely gives his downtrodden, legal aid clients a second thought once he has finished representing them. His father, brilliantly played by the veteran character actor Dabney Coleman can also be abrasive, manipulative, callous and, as the second season finale graphically showed also violent and dangerously obsessed with a twelve year old girl he took in as a foster child. The interaction (or lack thereof) between the two, neither whom is able to really show their true feelings towards one another is often painful to watch.The rest of the cast with the exception of Wendy Muniz are all expertly cast. Charles Malik Whitfield as James Mooney, the ex gang member who has escaped the ghetto to become a lawyer for the legal aid group is both menacing and heroic at the same time. One powerfull episode has him almost beating to death a young black man who he has been told caused the death of his troubled nephew. He later discovers that this person was innocent and must deal with how to come to terms with almost killing and disfiguring an innocent man. Raphael Sbarge as Jake Straka, another success driven lawyer at Nick's firm, makes us think of all the lawyers we have known who can barely give us the time of day unless the reward is large enough. Alan Rosenberg who plays Alvin Masterson, the director of the clinic, tries to keep the chaos controllable even while fighting his own demons which include an unhealthy weakness for some of his former female clients. Only Wendy Muniz fails to convince in her role as Lulu Archer, another one of the legal aid lawyers. The series' writers seem unable to decide whether she should be a foil to Nick or just another lovesick conquest. Their romantic scenes together lack passion or chemistry and often seem contrived. All in all though this is a thoughtful, powerful, and at times, emotionally brutal show. Enjoy it while you can - it's sure to be short lived.

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