The Factor
The Factor
| 01 January 0001 (USA)


As a man who likes to think for himself, I don't trust any news agency in its entirety; I do trust some more than others, but there isn't one I trust entirely. Among them, the Faux... sorry, Fox News Network is one I trust the least, and they have totalitarian-minded narcissists like Bill O'Reilly to thank for that.One thing that Billy Boy likes to pride himself on is being a "crusader for the First Amendment." And what are some of the things he does to show his "support" of it? He rapid-fires questions at his guests (primarily people he disagrees with) without giving them a chance to answer with numerous interruptions. He continually tells his guests to shut up. He cuts the microphones of those he is losing arguments with. He calls it "dangerous" when people post things about him on the Internet that are "completely untrue." But this is the best part: Bill once threatened anyone who called in who he didn't like to receive a visit from Fox security. This is his idea of what freedom of speech is supposed to be? Oh, wait a minute... he's defending HIS freedom of speech, but not that of anyone who disagrees with him. What's that they were saying about "no-spin zone"?Sorry Bill, but it's easy to disagree with someone who supports politicians who flush our nation down the toilet (though nowadays, that pretty much pertains to all of them on either side of the spectrum), makes ludicrous and unfounded claims against people one doesn't like (yet thinks it's "dangerous" for people on the Internet to say "completely untrue" things about him), comes up with idiocy such as a "war on Christmas," and calls anyone who disagrees with his nonsense "unpatriotic." Speaking of which, I seem to recall a term for ludicrous, unfounded claims... ah yes, it's called LYING. All the while, he calls his opponents "ideologues" as if it were some kind of insult. The guy's living proof that not everyone who gets into Harvard is intelligent.I'm sure Bill's buddies won't care for this review, calling it very opinionated if trying to put it politely. Well, your buddy Bill is extremely opinionated as well, so deal with it. You can't have it both ways, something your precious Billy Goat doesn't seem to understand. If you're a rational, thinking person - and by that I mean whether you're conservative, liberal, or moderate, as unlike Bill, I'm intelligent enough to know that most people are far more complex than any particular political ideology - you can use "The O'Reilly Factor" for one of two reasons: you need a good laugh or you feel the need to get angry at someone. Either way, you won't be disappointed. In the meantime, if you haven't already, be sure to seek out the video of Bill in his younger days as he throws a hissy fit for his ineptness at reading a teleprompter... it's really quite entertaining.

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Despite your political leanings (which will affect how you much you like this show) one thing is certain: O'Reilly needs to go back to interviewing 101. His program is almost unwatchable at times for this very reason. This is not to say that he doesn't respect anyone, or is a loud mouth (sometimes far from such), but Bill does have a tendency to over-shout his guests. We know Bill, you think you're right. One problem I have with Bill, who I do share some similar views with, is that he doesn't give the opposition time to voice their opinion. I call it, the "pinhead" syndrome.Another factor (no pun intended) of this show that is annoying is when Bill gives someone a "final word," but never actually lets them get the final say. There has not been one time I have seen where O'Reilly didn't interrupt his guests during their "final words" with some retort, or shouting over them so that they can't talk. Very bad journalism.I honestly can't say that the show is that bad. It is entirely bearable to watch, even if you disagree. Bill can be arrogant at times and disrespectful, but that's his style. I guess that guests have no right to complain, because they know what they're getting into. One thing is for sure: Bill is the truthinator. Try to lie in the No-Spin zone, and he'll cut your tongue off.

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Leaves out anything that might have some value and debases everything. It truly is the easier softer way. Complain and offer nothing in return. What bothers me most about liberals is that they don't give us anything of substance. It is like earth day all ceremony no substance. Sweeping commentary lumping everyone that watches Bill as an idiot not capable of reasonable thought. I wonder why IMDb chooses to put that particular commentary without having either something neutral or another giving balance to this obviously out of balance report. We need balance in this country what we should have is liberals required to evaluate what is good in conservative thought and vice versa. You cannot throw the baby out with the bath water.

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"You're about to enter a no-spin zone!": those are Bill O'Reilly's opening words to his very own show The O'Reilly Factor. You'd think with these opening words, the show would be a no nonsense look at world events with a no-spin host seeking justice in an untruthful world. But the end result is one of the most venomous, most entertaining, and plainly biased news shows on television.O'Reilly is not exactly known as one of the more humble personalities on television and apparently, Bill is well aware of this. This strikingly obvious conservative bias is what helps the show entertaining despite the eye-rolling attempts to convince his audience that he is a "traditionalist". (A traditionalist- how'd ya like that?) Elsewhere, venom spitting and his repeated attempts to tell the guests to "Shut up!" are common and frequent and unfortunately this is one of the reasons why the show is so addictive and so sinfully entertaining. O'Reilly is also known for some hilarious and at times, frightening quotes. Recently, he described how the United States and Britain "bailed Europe out" during the Cold War. Uh-huh. And before the invasion Iraq, he responded to a soldier mother who was concerned on the number of possible troops deaths that, "{It's} their job! That's what they do!" Compassion at it's finest, Bill!More recently, The O'Reilly Factor is to many Ground Zero on the supposed "War on Christmas". (Good Lord, how many of these wars are going on?) The show is up to it's neck at times about earth shattering topics such Christmas trees, nativity scenes, and Christmas cards describing how the "liberal secular media" is trying to destroy that special time of year. At least it gives the audience a break from Bill's weird fascination with Jesse Jackson and Howard Stern.In conclusion, the O'Reilly Factor is quite frankly, a very entertaining show. It's great if you want to be entertained and get some laughs but it's my last choice if you want truthful, non-biased journalism.

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