The Evil Touch
The Evil Touch
| 19 June 1973 (USA)
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  • Reviews

    This series debuted in the USA on channel 4 NBC in 1973 on Sunday nights. It was an odd programming choice indeed; an imported "thriller" series in prime time--and a half hour one at that. The episode that remains the most horrifying the the Ray Walston "freaks" episode! I was a huge fan of "Night Gallery" at the time so this series eluded me for decades up until last month when I purchased a "bootleg" DVDR set of what seems to be the entire series. Not too many of the episodes were as scary as I remembered, however the low budget and overall "tone" of the series is creepy. The best episode that I did NOT remember is the one with Mildred Dunnock as a rich old lady who's nephew was trying to do her in to get her riches. The plot was incredibly far fetched --however there was a DOUBLE shock ending to the story and it was pretty original ( a psycho-killer was lurking about and it seemed like the nephew was trying to put her in harm's way and have the killer take care of her). Most of the episodes seem rushed and sloppy, but they did always try to give a shock ending when they could. The other episode that was above average was one with Darren McGavin as a heart specialist who's dead patient was out for revenge. Overall, it was one of those series that time has not been kind to, but, I treasure it for scaring me as a 10 year old in 1973!!

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    I love this show, despite it all but having disappeared from the world. As a 10 year old i was freaked by this, especially in Australia where it was filmed. Bits of the shows come to mind when i try hard to remember. I am looking for copies of the scripts if anyone has them. It's time someone (maybe me) had a go at bringing it back in a modern style.) If anyone has any info they want to share, then you can get in contact with me via this site. As with others, it was Anthony Quayle, and his "Goodnight....Pleasant Dreams!" and the smoke and music that got to me. The shows weren't great by todays standards, but they were good. A lot of them wouldn't get past the censors or the "do-gooder" brigade, in some cases i guess rightly so, but mores the pity. I like this show and would love to see it again.

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    Man, this show gave me the creeps when I was a kid but it's been over 30 years since seeing it and it's hard to remember now. I was a huge fan of 'Night Stalker', 'Night Gallery', 'Dark Shadows' and 'Ghost Story' as well a made for TV movie at that time called 'Don't Be Afriad of the Dark'. 'Night Stalker' is getting on DVD now and I even got a DVD copy of the made for TV movie. Don't know if 'Ghost Story' is on DVD anywhere.I seem to remember an episode where there were this guy driving on a lonely highway that kept seeing these three zombies that would appear out of nowhere, on the road, or if he stopped for gas. Does anyone remember this episode and more of what it was about? The premise to the story? Also, anyone hear anything about getting the episodes on even VHS? I'll take what I can get! D-rock Austin, TX

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    I too have fond memories of this show though I recall its budgetary limitations being obvious even by then-contemporary standards.The lake monster in DEAR BELOVED MONSTER looked like a briefly-glimpsed head of cabbage. But then so did the 'revelatory' 1970s photos from the underwater camera at Loch Ness.One interesting episode was A GAME OF HEARTS. Darren McGavin plays a heart surgeon who takes a heart from a not-quite-dead donor. He then starts getting chilling phone calls from the dead man. The final scenes have him fleeing through a deserted house with his undead tormentor in pursuit. It was shot in very NIGHT STALKERish style.... substitute the donor, with a black and bloody hole in his chest, with Barry Atwater and you're pretty much there. And the character's name? Gabor Skorzeny. The vampire's name in the NIGHT STALKER TV movie? Janos Skorzeny! Hmmmm..... well imitation is the sincerest form of flattery I guess.I would certainly endorse another look at THE EVIL TOUCH.

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