The Buzz on Maggie
The Buzz on Maggie
TV-G | 17 June 2005 (USA)
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  • Reviews

    So a few years back, Disney Channel was doing pretty good. It featured a menagerie of shows that were popular with the younger crowd, tweens, teens, and even adults. Among these shows was the mega hit, Kim Possible, which rightfully gained a huge fan based, tons of merchandise (Still got my Rufus doll! ;)), and brought in the moolah for the monkeys in suits that run Disney.So what was the only thing to do? Why, cancel Kim Possible and replace her with Lizzie Maguire in a fly suit! It made perfect sense! If you're a Disney Exec with the brains of an apple snail, that is.Needless to say, fans were flabbergasted. "THIS?" They cried. "You ****heads cancel Kim Possible and THIS is what you give us in turn?" OK, I was the one who said it, but the feeling was pretty much the same throughout the KP fan base.'The Buzz on the Maggie' was pretty much doomed. What could have been a cute concept was undermined by lousy characterization, irritating voices, unoriginal plots and a resentment toward it for replacing Kim.The end of the story is well known: Head Monkey Eisner got the boot and so did 'The Buzz on Maggie.' The sixty-five episode rule that Eisner instated was tossed and Kim was picked up for another season. The Little Fly with the bug eyes and the purple hair was quickly forgotten as we crowded around our sets and waited for Kim to return.Flies live for a week, so they say. Maggie got two seasons. She should consider herself lucky.

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    I'd have to say that this is one of the finer examples of computer 2D animation ('flash') iv'e seen. It certainly outranks 'Being Ian'. The plot concerns a young female fly and her best friend Rayna in the tip site city of Stickyfeet. Maggie and Rayna attend the Buzzdale Academy school where much of the action happens. The show is a good example of flash animation, using the slick glossy style as a benefit rather than just making it appear cheap. It is drawn nicely and has a distinct feel. The humour is quite good too, when compared with the usual flash stuff. Hopefully other companies will see this as a shining example of how computer animation should go, rather than churning out a constant supply of shorts. The characters themselves are, being insects, generally quite human except when using a gag related to their insect nature. This doesn't really ruin it (who actually expects realism in a cartoon anyway?) and there are some good parts where this insect nature is referred to with genuine humour. (like maggie's baby pic of her as a maggot) All in all a good show, and deserves more episodes.

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    I think this movie is really good. I love to watch that show. It's makes me feel so warm I even draw lots of pictures of Maggie and her friends. The friendship, family... in the show is full of love. I always wait to see it on Sartudays and Sundays.I hope that Disney Channel will make more episodes of this movie and maybe make a long movie.I know somebody hate this movie but I hope that Disney will continue on making this movie because its story is good for education, relaxing...The friendship in The buzz on Maggie is so nice. Maggie and her friend sometimes argue with each other but they always say sorry and then they become friends again.I love this movie and I will keep watching it until the last episode( i hope this will not happen)

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    When I first heard of this new flash animation cartoon being broadcast on the Disney Channel, I was naturally skeptical. It's not enough that they had to make yet another show starring a (shudder) female "tween" that involves school, bothersome parents and the requisite obsession with boys, but now in order to make the show "unique" they've added the wrinkle of making this young teenager into a fly? Sorry, not buying it.But it was summer and I was bored, so I scanned the mostly unwatchable cable channels and happened upon this show. It was the episode where the main character, Maggie Pesky, unwittingly found herself the love object of a socially repellent stinkbug. That episode was characteristic of what I found appealing about the character carrying the show - an adolescent girl continuously conflicted between her vanities and her better nature. She is sure she does not want to become intimate with a stinkbug, but she continues to lead him on in order to take advantage of his connections to a country club that offers mudbaths, snorkeling in swamp water, and other amenities fit for insects.Adding to her appeal is the fact that she is not your typical wallflower type that populates these shows. She's unconcerned about popularity, and she makes no secret for her disdain for the popular, snobbish bugs at her school. But she can just as easily be the one who needs dressing down, especially the times she takes advantage of other people for her own personal gain.The voice of Maggie is very appropriate for a tomboyish pre-pubescent girl who seems to be into popular punk (if I were to callously categorize her), with all the cracking and deepening of a child going though puberty. It almost recalls the voice of E.G. Daily's (Tommy from "Rugrats"). I have yet to get totally used to flash animation being a medium of choice for cartoon shows since it has a stop-motion quality that is hard to ignore, but the animators really outdid themselves here in trying to keep the motions fluid. The bright and stimulating colors, aesthetic designs and those big expression-able eyes on the characters are also appealing. I give this show three out of four stars, but it might not be for everybody. This show is a personal favorite of mine for the additional reason that it panders to my background in biology. Aside from presenting a hypothetical world of flies and other insects where rotten food and garbage are considered delicacies and germs can be kept as pets, I love how they incorporate trivial facts about flies such as how they regurgitate some stomach contents on the food they are about to eat in order to facilitate digestion. *** out of ****

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