The Asterisk War
The Asterisk War
TV-14 | 03 October 2015 (USA)
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  • Reviews

    Let's be honest, Japan cranks out way too many anime every year. in 2016 alone, there were 204 new anime series or seasons released, averaging 4 a week - not to mention OVAs and theatrical films. There is almost as many hours of anime as there are waking hours in a year.Add on to all that a history of anime going back to the 1970s. You have a huge collection to pull from. Why, oh why, then, would you watch the Asterisk War? This series is not inherently terrible or offensive, but it's just the blandest, generic-est crud you could watch. The characters are all clichés, the setting is boring, there's a lot of logical inconsistencies. Literally go watch anything else. If you want a more in-depth spoiler review, you can watch a wonderful series for free on Youtube by a guy by the name of Digibro. The series of videos is called "The Asterisk War Sucks."You know, it's just a shame to me. I love animation, be it American, Japanese, or other. To see how much money is poured into animation in Japan, you'd think they could consolidate some of these bland and generic products and pump out instead really excellent anime that will stand the test of time.

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