The Angry Video Game Nerd
The Angry Video Game Nerd
TV-MA | 25 May 2004 (USA)
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  • Reviews

    So far I have been watching and enjoying internet critics. Nostalgia Critic, Cinema Snob, Spoony and others. So it wasn't long until I found this guy. Granted I have only seen about 4 of his reviews (The 2 Bible Game Reviews, Star Wars Games and Wizard of Oz). I think based on that I can review this guy's work.The scenario is simple. Take a gaming nerd from the 1980's and 1990's who has almost every game you can possibly think of on gaming consoles considered nostalgic to some. Take the absolute worst games out of the lot of them with bad controls and objectives that either are not clear or completely ridiculous.First of all, his reviews require a very specific audience. If you have never played an Atari, Nintendo or Super-Nintendo games then this will be a very hard show to get into. I mean don't get me wrong. He has clear and concise points that can make up for that and make them entertaining reviews.With that being said I do find the humour of this show a little bit off (out of the 4 reviews I found 2 of them have scenarios involving crap, crap is not an adjective in this case) but some bits were funny like the rant in the Star Wars games review about Darth Vader turning into a scorpion and using the famous line of "No, that's not true that's IMPOSSIBLE!".So this show is definitely worth checking out but only if you have played some form of video games, specifically the Nintendo, Super-Nintendo and Atari. I can see why people regard him highly but as a more recent gamer who was born around the time these consoles were disappearing - I find it harder to get into.

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    The AVGN (the common abbreviation for Angry Video Game Nerd) is one of my favorite web series out there, if not at all! This stuff is HILARIOUS! Being a long time fan of the series, when I first saw my first AVGN video in 2008, which was I believe to be The Power Glove for the NES, I was literally pooping my pants full of "fudge". It was so funny that I just watched more, until today.J.R. (as I'll call him) has and will always be my favorite actor, and I'm glad to hear of the release of his new movie! Mike Matei, one of his best friends, is a great actor too, and is hysterical in every aspect, especially in the way that he acts near and far from the Nerd.I wish all of the best of luck to J.R. and Mike as they finish up with the movie!

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    Well there's no real point in saying what has been said over and over again about the series but it can't simply be ignored either. I'll put it to you like this... I made mention of the show to a friend of mine who is overly critical about a lot of things in general. He told me he didn't like watching almost any web shows as he prefers his entertainment to have some sort of production value to it. That's fair I suppose, anyone can get in front of a camera these days and throw it online. Several weeks later he was over at my place and I threw it on for some background noise and my friend couldn't keep his eyes off my TV. I think that's a good example of how a lot of us felt during one of our first AVGN experiences. We couldn't stop and we haven't let AVGN stop since either. He is very entertaining as he is extremely creative. He has friends work with him on reviews who also do a great job in adding to the +1 stuff that gives you more than just a standard video game review and hey are 'recyled' well throughout the series. That being said, the reviews will often do well to provide a history and back story to not just the game that being reviewed but almost anything applicable to it as well. What I really appreciate about AVGN is that he plays well on his strengths and while turning his weakness into positives as well. He is quick to make running jokes about simple props and makes great use everything available to him. This obviously has a lot to do with his cinematic background and education. Overall he is very entertaining and any flaws can be easily overlooked or spoken to. He has turn what seemed to be a weekend project of reviewing a select few games he wanted to speak out about from his childhood into one of the most successful web shows today. So successful that a movie is well on its way to the public as I type. That says a lot right there. So whether its a game, console or concept review I can safely say that AVGN will always hold a special spot in my heart as one of my favourite shows ever.

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    Hasan Renkal

    Angry Video Game Nerd is not only a awesome game reviewer, he is the greatest guy in the Internet. I love how he show us bad games and how he hates them. It's very entertainment to watch AVGN and watch all the time. Even if i'm sad or angry, i always watch this and hope the AVGN Movie is going to be awesome. I hope AVGN never will stop making videos and we all will be sad if stops cause he is just pure awesome. AVGN, you are the greatest and the most awesome guy in the world and you will always be the greatest guy and the most awesome guy in the world. Hope you are going to make more videos and i hope the AVGN Movie is going to be a box office success.Angry Video Game Nerd series - 10/10

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