Strictly Come Dancing
Strictly Come Dancing
| 15 May 2004 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Esraa yuseff

    this show is fantastic, for me it's the perfect Saturday Night show, a bit serious and loads of fun, music, creativity, talents, entertainments ans emotions. the 11th series is going crazy, it's just awesome beyond description from the props, production, music, costumes, Makeup, Pro's, themes and fun, as will as genuine lovely people and creative hilarious new professionals. Iveta was the best Pro of this series in terms of Creativity, imagination, and great choreography. Kevin Clifton is making the Cliftons, Grimsby, the Whole UK nation proud with his difficult proper choreography and immense energy. even the Long standing Brendan Cole found a partner whom pushed him to the limit with his Choreography, he's creating lovely pure dance routines this series. I'm more in love with the show this year because from top to bottom it's mind to perfection, apart from Sir Bruce sadly who get's worse with time. I never think that the wrong people being voted off, because it's a vote and everyone who puts hours and hours in training deserves to stay whatsoever specially because of the passion they deliver, there's no prize money or contracts or dreams might come true if they win, it's just done for the pure Joy and entertainment.I envy every single person involved even the tea boy! enough said That I am Happy all the way through, sometimes, laughing so hard that I might fall from the sofa, and enjoy this Magical world.perfect Saturday night where I'll never say "my night was wasted" never !

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    With shows like this spanning two hours of a Saturday evening, it's no wonder people go out and turn to drink. I'm appalled by the fact that by paying my TV license I'm helping fund garbage like this. Surely there's a better way to keep families entertained than two hours of people dancing and then cardboard cutout caricatures of judges play the crowd? I swear, the audience is only interested in hearing numbers of increasing value being shouted out, no matter how good or bad the performance was, and if one of the judges threw out the rules just for a moment and gave a contestant a mark of 11 out of 10, the audience would scream so gleefully loud that they'd all tear not only their vocal chords, but also a hole in space and time itself. "Oh, but you simply must see (insert celebrity name here) do the Charleston!" I hear you say. No. No, I simply must not waste another second of my life watching this show with almost zero entertainment value. This is more the standards of ITV than BBC. In fact, I'm almost certain that this is actually a nationwide experiment for girlfriends and wives to test the patience and loyalty of their partners to the extreme. Can you sit through this without drifting off and staring at the wall for long periods of times? Without completely zoning out to the point of slipping into a coma? Try it. I dare you.Fortunately for me I have to work Saturday nights. Unfortunately, with the wonders of catch-up, iPlayer and being able to record TV, I now have to witness it at any other moment in time as it's no longer restricted to its allocated slot. However, I do occasionally manage to slip through the net and avoid seeing around 90% of the show if I'm lucky.I gave it a score of 2 out of 10. It gets one star/point for me and my partner still somehow being together, despite this show. It also gets a second star/point for my TV still being fully intact, no matter how strong the urge is to put my foot through the screen.2/10

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    I will admit I don't think it is the best show on earth, it does get a bit too serious at times with the emotional training sessions and sometimes the wrong person gets voted off, two excellent example are Gabby Logan and Spoony. But the reason why I love this is because it is entertaining, what with Bruce Forsyth reciting his corny but hilarious jokes and pratfalls. One of my favourites was when he likened judge Craig Revel Horwood to a sour lemon. Here you see some truly talented dancers, honestly Jill Halfpenny and Alesha Dixon were amazing, and not so talented dancers, namely Quentin Willson and possibly Fiona Phillips. I loved the dresses, and the choreographies, and through the programme I got a lot of tips of how to dance a particular dance. And where would we be without the judges? The hissable Craig Revel Horwood, the sincere Arlene Phillips, the encouraging Len Goodman and the eccentric Bruno Tonioli with his increasingly silly comments, like "It's like a Robin Reliant with a Ferrairi". My favourite Craig criticism has to be "D-U-L-L, Dull!", and some of the celebrities make some truly hilarious comebacks, most notably Julian Clary's "You Wouldn't Know a Passo Doble if you sat on one". All in all, despite the flaws, this is a very entertaining programme, that people aspired to dance, should give it a try. 8/10 Bethany Cox.

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    Series 4 of Strictly come Dancing was the best yet. Unfortunately, one of the contestants, Jimmy Tarbuck, was taken ill and was unable to compete which left 13 celebrities and their partners. Consequently we had a final with only two couples, the ex-England cricketer, Mark Ramprakash and ex-England Rugby player, Matt Dawson.The bookies' original favourite, Emma Bunton, was knocked out in the semi-final. The two sportsmen were superior in their dances, with Mark's Argentine Tango receiving an almost perfect score of 39.The final, because there was only two couples, meant that they had to dance five dances. Mark danced the tango, salsa, Viennese waltz, a dance to the judges' choice of music and a show dance. Matt performed a waltz, a cha cha, again the Viennese waltz and the same dances as Mark.Mark and his partner Karen Hardy were triumphant with them receiving a maximum 40 points for their salsa to Hot Hot Hot.The whole show was great. I cannot see it being topped in future.It is 30 December 2007 - I am editing my comments from last year to say that this year's programme was even better as far as the dancing is concerned. The final three were outstanding. I would have preferred a three-person final but unfortunately Kelly Brook had to withdraw owing to family bereavement, making a two-person final.I was disappointed that Gethin Jones (the Blue Peter presenter) was knocked out in the semi-final as I feel he could have been the winner. I know this sounds strange, but you have to have seen it to know what I mean.The eventual winner was singer Alesha Dixon who was superb throughout the contest. She beat Matt Di Angelo, the EastEnders' actor, although they were very close during the contest.The worse thing about this year's show was the decision by the BBC to have the results show on a Sunday, despite being filmed on the Saturday. Inevitably the results were leaked onto the Internet which defeated the object of have tension in the results.Another annoying thing is the lengthy pause between the presenters saying who is knocked out. We have been saying for years that we dislike this but still they do it. Give us a break - don't prolong the agony any further!

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