Still Game
Still Game
| 06 September 2002 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Artimidor Federkiel

    Back in the days NBC's "Golden Girls" pioneered in discovering a fresh comedic potential according to the premise: Pensioners are also entitled to some post-prime fun before a career-move that involves pushing up the daisies. Especially when they're operating from Miami, Florida, of course. Now picture this as good old Sophia would say: How about we give the whole retiree idea more edge, relocate the girls to Scotland (complete with heavy accent), change their gender and language to something way stronger and offensive (yet in its own way endearing), and replace the picturesque Miami-scenario with fictional "shitehole" Craiglang "somewhere near Glasgow" with prospects being hee-haw as a Scot would say. You'll see: The fun refuses to concede defeat. Quite to the contrary. Welcome to "Still Game"!Spun off from Ford Kiernan's and Greg Hemphil's sketch show "Chewin' the Fat", "Still Game" features strong 70+ characters ranging from the comedic widower duo Jack and Victor (Kiernan/Hemphil) over curmudgeon Winston, blabbermouth Isa and tight-arsed Tam to Indian-born shop owner Navid, who sports a rare talent for one-liners of the side-splitting kind. Now pleasures may be limited for old duffers, but life goes on and as such revolves around the local waterhole "The Clansman", the bookies, and the grocer's, with Isa's rumor mill working incessantly. Romance is a mere footnote. In that sense "Still Game" is not that far off the mark as real old geezers go. But in Craiglang there's a bright side to the shadow of old age: Death for example is a constant companion, accepted and dealt with in creative fashion (two words: hypothermia sweepstakes), and in the meantime as far as shaping the rest of one's life is concerned: disaster, small or large, is always around the corner. "Still Game", while out-and-out hilarious, occasionally dark-humored and sometimes over-the-top in a memorable way, also has its powerful dramatic moments. Character developments feel palpable and add another layer to the show and depth one wouldn't want to miss. The nine year long pause between season 6 and 7 is hardly noticeable. Following popular demand, "Still Game" is back again, as stand-up comedy and sitcom. So brush up on your Scottish, or turn on the subtitles. You don't want to miss this.

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    We just "discovered" this show on NetFlix two weeks ago and we are addicted to it! We have watched all the episodes on NetFlix and are watching them all again already. (Thank goodness for the subtitles because some of the slang we can't understand, haha.) Great actors, clever scripts, so funny! We just LOVE Victor, Jack and Winston!! This show is unique because it's funny and has genuine "heart". The cast is top notch and we truly care about them so when Jack is missing his wife or Jack and Victor go to visit Winston in his awful new apartment out of town, the viewers really care about these characters in their sad situations (this proves what great actors they are). There are too many great episodes to pick a favorite! So many lines from this hilarious TV series have crept into our every day language, like "cheery-bye" (haha). We love how they make reference to many famous American entertainers that we love (like Perry Como, Jack Lord, "Quincy," Abbott & Costello, etc.) We are so excited to hear that they are filming a new season this summer although we don't know how long it will be until American viewers can see them. Unfortunately, we can't find the series on Region 1 or 0 even though we would love to own them on DVD. We love, love, love "Still Game"! Thanks, NetFlix, for bringing this amazingly clever, creative, fun, unique show to American viewers! (This show is funnier than any new American TV shows/movies!)

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    Matt Wyatt

    What is there to possibly say about this series other than "utterly superb"!! This is the very best comedy series that I have ever seen. Everything about it from the settings, to the characters, to the script are just amazing. The show centres around Victor & Jack and the situations they get into along with the conversations that they have. Some of the shows can be quite moving but 95% is just 100% hilarious! From Victor & Jack's banter, to Winston's temper, to Isa's gossip. Everything just clicks together like nothing I have seen before. I never saw the characters in Chewing The Fat and my Dad bought my attention to this series. Everybody should give this show a chance and check it out. It really is that good! It puts more recent "sitcoms" such as My Family to shame. If all shows were this good I'd have no problem with paying my TV License every year. This is worth every penny!

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    The funniest thing coming from the UK comedy world at the present time.Every moment of this show is hilarious even when making some excellent point about old age, poverty and being alienated from the ephemeral trends of society. Tremendous use of Scots, slang and swearing – maybe the spark for Catherine Tate's grandmother – hard for a few to get, but worth sticking with -you 'will' get it. I guess not for you if you think Friends is the pinnacle of comedy, but a classic for those who don't…If you're an American 'Scat' then get these DVD's this is much more about your old country than 'Braveheart' and not a splash of woad around.10 out of 10Stevo

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