Star Blazers
Star Blazers
| 01 October 1979 (USA)
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  • Reviews

    When i was stationed in hawaii.1981-84.I saw "Star Blazers"on NGN for the first time,and was blown away by everything.The graphics,storyline,emotions.Other TV series of the time just did not compare to this type of animation.Cartoons of America were a joke(i hate to say),and still are.If this series were to come out now,it would be in the top 5.This is the Raw animation that we are looking for,high emotion,action,adventure,love and dare i say it!!People getting killed. I wish all three episodes were on DVD.To say that you have a favorite part is down playing all three series. I was amazed at the time.Starting with the pilot movie.The Wave Motion Gun,Replicators to replace damaged parts,traveling in space,all the guns and that gravity generator.That used space rocks to fend off an attack.Unforgettable

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    Oh man, oh man, where do I begin to even start to praise this show! Kicked but from start to finish! You know you got it bad for a show when you plan your carefree childhood afternoons around it. I was so devoted to this show as a kid that I would watch it at 6:30 am or 3:30 pm every weekday no matter what. The characters were very impressive, almost real, The plot was Phenomenal, the Animie was light years ahead of any other cartoon on American TV at that time. Not to mention that Star Blazers had to have, without a shred of doubt, THE MOST infectious them song in the history of Amime, oh hell, in the history of any other TV program ever made! It was so enticing that I couldn't even miss the opening and closing credits, no matter how many times I saw it. Oh how many times as a wee lad of 10 would I hum the Star Blazers Theme song on the buss, at school, or with my equally devoted friends.This show moved me so many ways as a child. I learned that cartoons could be realistic and still be very engrossing. Like the budding romance between Wildstar and Nova, or the friendships between Wildstar and Venture. Even death was not omitted in this show. I bawled like a baby when Captain Avitar passed away just as they got back to earth with the Cosmo DNA. Best of all, although I didn't know it at the time, Star Blazers tackled very deep issues and pulled no punches. It taught kids the grim realities of war and radiation. Even though the networks had toned it down from the original, there was still no doubt that people on both sides got killed in combat. Radiation in the form of "planet bombs" were an excellent allagory for showing the horrific effets of nuclear war.I could go on and on, this show is timeless. I would love to see them put it on cable or better yet back on regular TV. I will bet anything that the kids today, being exposed to mindless animie like "Pokemon", would go crazy for this wonderous space opera!

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    With the exception of bell-bottoms on their uniforms, Star Blazers is one of the greatest, most eclectic stargazing sagas of all time. In an era when animation depicting technological advances was still in its infantile stages (late 1970s), the producers of Star Blazers have done such an excellent job of keeping the viewer fixed on the characters, dialogue, story plots, and vivid battles scenes. I remember watching the series when I was 10 years old, and I am still watching videos today. I would love to see a remake of the series, with clean, crisper episodes; in reality, if the episodes are ever shown again on prime time, little changes need to be made to the original series. It is just that good.

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    This series shaped my childhood as well. I would love watching them after or before school. It was a breath of fresh air from all the corny other cartoons on TV in that it had a real plot and REAL drama.I have bought the entire six-DVD set of the first series on Gamalon. I hope they come out with the second and third series on DVD as well.

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