South Beach
South Beach
| 11 January 2006 (USA)
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  • Reviews

    Set in South Florida's world of models, pools, beaches, drugs, gangsters and nightclubs this is another stab at copying the success of Baywatch, but adding some sub-Miami Vice elements for that prime-time soap measure.It's also executive-produced by Jennifer Lopez, which explains why it looks like nothing more than one of her music videos. But despite virtually everyone on screen being stunningly good looking it's all fur coat and no knickers. Everyone is a hunk or a babe ready to flash the flesh, but nobody gets involved in anything remotely resembling a decent plot and the dialogue is flimsier than the thong bikinis some of the women wear. If that's all you need then tune in, but when it first aired in America, few did, and it ranked 152nd out of the 156 original series produced for network television in the 2005-06 season – and was then dropped after eight episodes.In LA last year I found myself on the beach where Baywatch was once filmed. It was 10am and few others were about so I ran along the sand in slow motion, just like 'The Hoff' used to do. Then I noticed that coming the other way was someone else doing exactly the same thing. We laughed, and (slowly) carried on our way. Baywatch might have been corny but it was a guilty pleasure loved by millions because it was light-hearted fun. South Beach will only have people running for the remote control, and almost certainly not in slow motion.

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    The pilot episode almost made me not want to watch the second episode but the cast (Vincent and Matt) are good looking so I figured why not give it a chance. There is a lot of half naked girls though, I think if they want to target girls and guys they need to tone down the amount of models they have on and focus on just a few instead. Tonight's episode was good so I'm thinking it's going to get better with every episode. The story line seems to need a chance to build up and I think that will come with a few more episodes. I'm hooked enough to watch next week. It is kind of like an evening soap opera, with a twist. I think they did a good job casting and I hope they add a few more steady characters to add some spice to it. I'll keep watching and see where it goes, beats watching reality TV!

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    This is exactly what UPN needed to breath life into its lineup. Very creative work. With strong marketing, and a decent time slot, this show would quickly establish itself. My DVR is on record! The cast seem well suited for the roles they portray, not sure why guys from Brooklyn didn't have the right accent, but about midway through the first show that didn't matter. I think first shows are always tough, introducing new characters, plots and generating interest. Although I was initially unsure, I became more interested as the plot unraveled. I like the work of Philip Levens on Superman, he has done a masterful job in his previous works as a writer. I am sure he will be a break through producer and writer.., exactly what UPN needs to get market share. Let's see where the show takes us!

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    For many weeks, I awaited the premier of South Beach. The show was moderate in tempo, had an okay plot, but what pitched my attention and in my opinion, was the highlight of the show, was when the guy with the tattoos was shot. Never before did I ever feel sorry for the bad guy!This young actor's performance was so believable--- so powerful, not only was his facial expressions and body language so realistic and by the way, on the money, but he is also hot looking. Handsome! Handsome! Handsome! Gals pay attention!I hope the production casts him in the next episode and lets us know what happened to him as it was unclear in the show. His character seemed to disappear after he was shot.South Beach producers are you listening! The guy with the tattoos is truly a keeper and his performance is worthy of an entire season!Rusty

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