Rurouni Kenshin: Seisô hen
Rurouni Kenshin: Seisô hen
| 19 December 2001 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    page_roy The link is a YouTube Video Review watch before you watch this Anime!. $ Really good Art. $ Really great Sound. $ If you like anime, its worth the watch!! $ this show is for adults! $ a lot of blood $ Enjoy guys!I'm not easily impressed by a movie. Even worse with an animated one. But this one got me drooling. I picked this one up by recommendation, and I'll recommend it to anyone from now on. I was familiar with the story of the TV series, but that didn't excite me in the least. But at least I knew what I was looking at (and I suggest that people considering to watch this should familiarize themselves with the TV series first).

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    Why put a happy series and happy people to a depressing, dieing, mean ending. Thats like putting mickey mouse in a coma cuz he abused his son he had with minnie . then he killed minnie then mickey gets a disease and dies and you have to watch ALL OF IT.mickey was happy.Kenshin was happy, we all new kaoru and kenshin were going to get married. They were gonna have a kid named kenji so Lord watsuki named. they were gonna live a happy life with Sano and yahiko around. Yahiko and Tsubame were gonna date. Sano and megumi were gonna eventually be together. If either Kenshin or Kauru died, it would of been old age. Nothing depressing. Thats what watsuki wanted, not bull like this.Rurouni kenshin was filled with comedy and Romance. Not a bunch of depressing crap and diseases. Stay away from the film. If you have a kid go show them what happens to mickey. Thats how me and true kenshin fans felt. And thats how Noburhiro felt.

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    This new OVA brings a conclusion to the TV series. If you haven't seen any of the TV series (or read the manga) you should see/read them before watching this. Seisouhen doesn't explain anything about the characters.The Seisouhen is split in two parts, the first is basically a recap of the TV series, and the second brings a conclusion to it all. It is drawn in the same way (or similar at least) as the first 4 OVA episodes were (American title: Samurai X), which is in a realistic (as realistic as anime gets...) and beautiful way.There is not much action to be found in Seisouhen, instead it is very emotional (I actually shed a tear or two) and it is a beautiful finish to it all.In conclusion: if you have seen some of the TV series and seen the other 4 OVA episodes (Samurai X) this is something you will not and cannot miss. If not, watching Seisouhen will be a complete waste of time for you.

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    Thiago dos Santos Moyses

    The new 2 OVA of Ruroni Kenshin(THE OVA THAT ENDS THE SERIES) brings the same quality of animation and plot of the first four. However, there is a problem, at least, in the first episode of 2. In the first OVA series, it explained well the characters and the facts for those, who never heard about Kenshin TV series enjoy and understand everything about the sad Killer with a X in his face. In the new OVA, you need to watch the TV series to understand in a better way what happens. Some Scenes were made to give a satisfaction to the fans, like the kiss between Kenshin and Kaoru(who never kissed in the TV series), a simple thing for those who never watched the TV series. All the plot is based in a confused flashback, with lack of explanation about the new characters( characters of the TV series). Even Kenshin is superficial. Fans will want to kill me, but it's true. The new OVA is far from the original first 4 episodes. In the other hand, it maintain the realism of the battles, being loyal with history, different than the TV series that everyone has special techniques using even magic. I give a "So-So". Better in second episode, my hope, explaining what is happening, because I don't know what is the climax of the story. Here in Brasilia, when my anime club showed it, it was a success! You ask why. Because Kenshin for them is Kenshin(=good)and final dot.

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