Run, Joe, Run
Run, Joe, Run
| 07 September 1974 (USA)
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  • Reviews

    I remember seeing the promos for this series and my brothers and I thought it looked kind of interesting but after a short time it just became repetitious and depressing. A stately, do-gooding dog who is falsely accused of attacking his trainer is chased from town to town, never able to just become the beloved household pet that all dogs long to be. The series was certainly original in that it was the first (and thankfully last) German Sheperd soap opera on television. Rather depressing and I am not surprised that it is not in syndication the way other Saturday morning shows from my youth are like Scooby Doo. How the writers thought that this would become a big hit with children I will never know and what a premise ???!!! In 1974 our military couldn't come up with a task force to look into how exposure to Agent Orange harmed our troops but they evidently had the time and personnel to chase this one dog all over this great land of ours. Even at age 9 I should have realized how ridiculous this idea was. By the way, I am shocked that this series is actually remembered by 4 people outside of family. This is one OBSCURE show.

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    I'm trying to figure out if this is the TV show, I remember from childhood, about a dog on the run. In my mind it's a 'Hobo' dog, or there's some reference to Hobos.I don't know, it's a fuzzy childhood memory. Did this dog ever travel via freight train cars? Was there a schmaltzy theme song to this show?Was it ever repeated later during the seventies or early eighties? When exactly did this air? I was born in 1971, so I'm not sure if I'm old enough to remember this show, and I wonder if I'm confusing it with another show starring a dog (NOT Benji!!). Were there other TV programs STARRING dogs in the 70s-80s time period?

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    This show was about a German Shepard dog who after he returns home with his military trainer from Vietnam,is falsely accused of attacking his owner. However,Joe is a very good dog. He is on the run helping out folks who are in great danger or in trouble,and he doesn't stick around on any rewards or get a special pat on the forehead for his good deeds. He is on the run from the military who want him destroyed if he is captured.In case this sounds like an episode of the 60's TV series,"The Fugitive",well it is. I'm surprised that it ran for three seasons on NBC,which was most seen on Saturday Mornings during the 1970's. However,the story idea was impressive,even though it had a German Shepard in the David Janssen role as the fugitive on the run from low-lifes,bounty hunters,and the local police,not to even mention the military commander who plays the Barry Morse role as the one who wants Joe alive. The network executives who thought of this should be commented,and also I would love to see this series back on the air,not to mention making it to the big screen.

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    Joe and his person, Corey, have returned to the States after a tour of duty in Viet Nam. Joe is a good dog, but he is perceived by authorities as a dangerous weapon. Only his buddy from the service can help him, but being on the run keeps him from connecting with his friend. On the way, his heroics bale out people. Like the Lone Ranger, Joe must move on after his rescues.

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