TV-14 | 13 April 2005 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Mal Awk

    I do have to agree with Don that this movie was bad but since I'm a firm believer of the second coming Christ and have been a born again Christian all my life you'd think I'd really love this movie guess what NOPE I DIDN"T IT FREAKING SUCKED COW BALLS!!! I was really hoping this movie was going to be about revelations and go with the story exactly with action none of these movies ever have action or major apocalyptic war scenes.Instead it was the producers and director's ideas that made this movie turn into another full piece of crap Movie. Just like the 7th sign with Demi Moore GOD OH GOD Why does Hollywood always have to change things for what they believe is the better way make a film about the end times WHY? In the long run no matter what! If you don't go by what the story exactly like the book it's going to be a flop or a piece of CRAP! P.S.: How about Peter Jackson directing a movie about Revelations man that would be amazing with his studios talent behind him with the story they could make a big awesome Action/Drama I know Action/Drama you say? It could be done heck anything can be done now a days the 2005 movie year was one of Hollywood worst years! I have to stop talking or I'll never hit the hay.

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    Don P Mitchell

    This is typical of a lot of modern pseudo-religious fiction, which unfortunately gets taken as gospel by a lot of ignorant people. Like the silly "rapture" books and Hal Lindsey's books about Revelations, it fans the flames of Christian fundamentalism.People have been claiming that the end of the world is at hand beginning immediately with the followers of Jesus. His surviving disciples expected his return in their lifetime, and so it goes. Every hundred years and especially every 1000 years, there has been a huge upsurge in these beliefs.If you can ignore the religious propaganda, the series is an OK mystery adventure story.

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    This film was such a heap of flushable waste that I suggest all who view it wash their hands afterward. If someones wants to make this kind of story into film and broadcast it on a big network they should stick to full fiction rather than try to make it look like it has a credible fact base. This has no such base, anyone who has read the Bible can tell you that. I will not make myself a preacher here, but I really am offended by this thing and am sorry it was given such a large audience. Just let me say this, the true translation of the word Antichrist in the Bible book Revelation (not plural, it's one vision John had), that word means "instead of Christ", as in someone who will pretend to be Christ. This entity will not reveal himself as an evil being, he will try to convince the populace that he is good in order to draw away the true followers of the true Messiah. I hope that people are not convinced by this garbage and should watch carefully as they will be fooled by those pretending to be good, not someone who shows their true evil nature. Also please note, I know people who were in prison and those institutions are not full of people who will go against Christ in some awful army. Most of them are sorry about doing wrong and many are repentant people who would rather do good with their lives if given the chance. This movie is crap!

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    If any research was actually done for this story, it was certainly only on the religious angle because Bill Pullman's astrophysicist is not only a shallow character, but a horribly generic Hollywood depiction of what science is. With the exception of Contact, Hollywood's notion of what a scientist is has been so far from reality, yet Revelations has discovered a new extreme to take it to by contrasting it with a well-researched religious background. Not only does it make the story less compelling, it makes the characters incredibly one-dimensional.*** SPOILER *** The single clearest example of how badly they've misrepresented science is the idea that they could tell a virgin birth from DNA. While this is true, they already know it's impossible because the baby is male...a woman has no Y chromosome. This is only one of many examples of the oversights from this movie. *** END SPOILER ***Apart from the poorly researched story (which relegates this tale to at best an entertaining romp through supernatural mumbojumbo), the acting really isn't that great. Bill Pullman's character is about as intellectual as his character in Ruthless know, the one where at the end the police actually say, "This may be the dumbest human being on the face of the earth." Natascha McElhone is good but not really all that different than Sara in Laurel Canyon, which is a far cry from a nun. Michael Massee has gotten better since even the first episode, but for someone supposed to be so evil, he's really not all that horrifying. Besides, he's obviously portraying the smartest character of the bunch (even though that role should be Pullman's), so it's hard not to root for him to beat all the idiots.Everything about this show is melodramatic, so one might expect it to be somewhat campy. However, having seen the special preview screening as well, it's obvious the writer takes his vision extremely seriously. One could only hope he had done his homework, too. Everything about Revelations falls exceptionally flat, and I would be exceptionally surprised if this series got picked up for a full season next year.

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