| 17 January 2012 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Sarah Walker

    The "Legend in His Own Mind" known as Paul Fisher is an arrogant, obnoxious bully. He has watched way too many shows with Gordon Ramsey because he is constantly doing a wannabe impression of him. Why is he always chopping the air with his hand when he talks? What was the CW thinking by putting this deranged, manic, lunatic on the air? He thinks he is going to "save" the modeling industry. Give me a break! The modeling industry in New York and around the world has been doing fine without him. Particularly, when he was out of New York selling bogus photo shoots and conventions throughout middle America the past few years, which was a big fail. Paul Fisher is an ego-maniacal con man, and boy has the CW and everyone who works with him been royally conned. He is a joke within the real modeling industry where no one will work with him because he is such a creep. I can't wait for this horrendous show to be canceled, AGAIN!!

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    With Paul Fisher's over dramatic yet compelling personal story line giving strong back bone to the premise of the show, this new docu-series/reality show shines through the past few years of reality crap.I think all the characters are well rounded and different. Which is exactly what a show on such a dry network really needs. The locations are real which is a nice touch, not just a back drop. The feeling of importance and genuine emotions that come from the models on their days at NY fashion week is all very powerful and fun at the same time.I hope it brings in the numbers of the likes of American's Next Top, since it's in the fashion/modeling category, but only time will tell.It's actually a shame this is only a midseason show with such a rich underlying meaning of positive change in such an old and self conceited industry. Sure "fashion changes every year" (a quote from one of the young models on the show), but intentions rarely do. This show gives a positive and heart wrenching (at times) real look at the modeling industry under a microscope. Everything from Olga's expert break down of how the industry work from episode to episode to the strong agent persona of Fisher himself really tastes of genuine intention. At the end of the day, this docu-series/reality show brings a little new flavor to audiences. With no games, tournaments, eliminations or episodic house drama, this show brings at the very least a vision of better direction for American television.

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