| 25 February 2007 (USA)
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  • Reviews

    David Tennant (and Sarah Parish) did an amazing job in this two-part miniseries. I admit that I may be biased, since I am a head injury survivor, myself (I suffered two subdural hematomas in the frontal/temporal areas of my brain), but I really don't think so. I *do* admit that I had to stop the film and cry a few times (like when David/'Alan' got hit by the truck, or when he found himself flummoxed by what he needed to use in the shower, or when he ...). And David Tennant will *always* be my hero, both for taking on this role, and for taking on the 'real' role of the patron of Headway Essex (a recovery center for the head-injured)!

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    David Tennant and Sarah Parish's brilliant acting had me in tears as many of the scenes were so familiar to me. My husband suffered a sub-arachnoid haemorrhage in 1977 and required a major operation which involved lifting his brain and plugging the leak. Like Tricia I was naive enough to expect that he would return to being his former self. After over 25 years of loving and caring for him he abandoned me without warning to go and live with a woman he hardly knew. He then petitioned for and I am now going through a divorce. I do hope the programme helped people to understand what it is like to cope with brain injury.

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    I'm so glad I taped this film when it came on BBC last month! It blew my mind, so gut wrenching and real. David Tennant is absolutely fabulous in this, even though his character isn't always that easy to like or identify with. The final scene where he plays the song just broke my heart, those eyes....I'm guessing that he made this film in between the Dr. Who series, and that makes it even more of an achievement for me. I just love Dr. Who and yet I saw absolutely nothing of him in Mr. Tennants portrayal of this man who knows that he has changed and struggles to create some sort of new identity and life.great little intense drama!

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    When I saw this on TV I was nervous...whats if they messed it up? Millions of families like mine that live with a brain damaged man, in my case my Dad, would be let down. I watched it with my Mum and we both ended up crying, it was so accurate and captured how the family feels as well as the person having suffered the brain injury. The actors were all wonderful and I had no complaints, my Mums told me she hasn't been able to stop thinking about it. I hope this program made many people aware of what it's like living with brain damage and what it's like for the families. More programs like this should be made, I was surprised at how good it was and it's really shook me up emotionally.

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