Queer As Folk
Queer As Folk
TV-MA | 03 December 2000 (USA)
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    Queer as Folk is a wonderful show that has an ensemble cast but its leads are Michael Novotny and Brian Kinney. The two have been best friends since they were 14, Michael is a bit of a naive & big hearted while Brian is more cold and cunning. They are flanked by: Emmett, as flamboyant as they come Ted, an accountant that could pass for straight. Justin, whom Brian takes a liking to in the Pilot. Debbie, Michael's Mom is like their Den Mother Uncle Vic, who is like the Gay Sage Lindsay and Mel are the parents of Brian's child Gus, and later they welcome daughter to their family This show is about boys becoming men and navigating gay life from HIV, one night stands, infidelities, conversion or ex gay therapy, parenting, promiscuity, aging, prostitution, conservatism, subcultures, drugs, gay bashings, socioeconomic differences, relationships changing, politics...in other words, a lot of the same things that we all go through I enjoy the show because it shows gay people as 3 dimensional, flawed people that we are. It also showed that gays aren't like everyone else and don't need to be in order to have our rights granted to us. That some of us want kids and a husband, while some don't care for it. I do wish some of the secondary characters would've stayed around more and they could've been integrated in the script and stories, I like some of the grittiness because it really made me care for the characters and all the situations they found themselves in. It was a groundbreaking show for its time and I'm glad that the showrunners made this all its own. The UK version is great too, not better but different

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    Sandwiches McGee

    From the first episode this show had my attention. Even though the music is different, I am thankful that it streams on Netflix. I could not watch just one at a time. It holds intriguing characters, captivating love stories, and bold story lines. Some issues being brought up were real eye- openers to straight people. I have never felt this way about a TV show before. Nor have I ever binge watched a TV show so vigorously. I recommend this to everyone. It is not to be missed. I am hoping they end up filming a reunion. I would like to see what they would do with these characters 10 years later, and with all the changes (positive, and negative) within the LGBT community. Do yourself a favor, and watch Queer as Folk.

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    I was 14 when i started to watch QAF. It became immediately my favorite show. Not only the characters are great but the actors and directors are (were) doing a really amazing work. Each episodes are well-made, the musics, the places, everything entertains the people who are watching it. I like the fact, that they could maintain the series interesting, i think it didn't become boring for the last season at all which is exceptional. All the characters are individual, it is enjoyable to follow the story with them. According to my opinion they represent it very well how homosexual people live in America.I also like it that there is a great improvement in the personality of all the characters. They all are lovely, not just the main characters, like Brian, Justin or Michael but also Debbie or Vic, who are rarely in screen but always making some great comments or funny moments. There are so many things which really exist in our life but we just do not care about it, or we even don't realize it is around us. That's why I like the 3. and 4. seasons so much, 'cause it is showing the scary moments of these people. The brutality of homophobic people or the hard moments of a teenage who is having HIV. All in all I say it is really worth to watch this series, if you have some time (because all the episodes are like 45 min long) you should give it a try.

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    Queer as Folk bears distinction for a variety of reasons. The show as a whole is incredibly charming and wonderfully acted with characters that are not to be forgotten. It is emotional, tragic at moments, and centers on one of the few couples I have ever found myself desperately wanting to see persevere and last it out. It's a pretty good depiction of gay life as well, with it's variety of facets represented. One of the characters that deserves the most applause is that of Justin who starts out as and immature child but whom grows into one of the most fantastically developed characters of the series and proves himself ultimately to be a hero and probably television's first out and proud teen role model. It's a damn good show but also it's an important show and in reality, one of a kind. The only problem I had with it is that it made me cry too much, but really that's a good thing too. And yes...it's very hot and that certainly counts for something.

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