Postman Pat
Postman Pat
| 16 September 1981 (USA)
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  • Reviews

    Okay, Postman Pat was one of the many shows I was crazy about during my childhood. I watched it a lot, especially the specials, The Greendale Rocket and Magic Christmas. Even as a 16 year old when I'm writing this, I still enjoy these specials a lot. They are very amusing and enjoyable. I do not ever understand why people give shows like Postman Pat a very bad reputation. Is it because it's a kids show? Well that's a very stupid reason like it's a kids show after all, it's not made for you.The show has a few flaws with some errors at times but these are quite minor. However, these minor flaws still make the show a 9/10 instead of 10/10. Flaws include in the Greendale Rocket of this: Pat goes to the school to give post. The wind blows his post away but the children all manage to get his post. Then he goes off after thanking them for catching his post and not giving any of them post. So why exactly did he come to the school? If to see his son then that's fine but the point is that he said, "hello everybody, post". Like I said, the flaws don't matter much and children are highly likely gonna enjoy watching this excellent TV series. From the title, you might think it's all about postmen, parcels and letters etc, no it's not. There are many different adventures like the two specials I mentioned and others like Clowns Around in which you can assume what it's probably about. Anyway, brilliant show for children and I even still love it to this day.

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    Along with Fireman Sam, Rosie and Jim and Pingu, this was a show I used to watch a lot when I was little. How I miss it. The look of the show is great, the theme song is enough to make you sing along, the characters are really endearing(I remember loving Jess, the adorable black and white cat most of all) and the story lines are simple and fun. Add some nice writing, thoughtful narration and the show's nostalgic value for me and you have a simply great show. It wasn't predictable at all, the length was just right as was the pacing and it was just great show really. Nothing else really to say other than a well deserved 9/10 Bethany Cox

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    Jackson Booth-Millard

    When I was a kid this was just one of greatest show I ever knew. Not exactly a huge story, but a huge star. A postman named Pat who drives a red post van filled with letters and parcels with his cat Jess. Ken Barrie as Narrator and voices was just perfect. Postman Pat was the same makers of Fireman Sam. Pat is a nice friendly postman with many friends in the town of Greendale, the only ones I can actually remember are Mrs Goggins in the Post Office and Ted the mechanic. Pat was a nice guy and black and white Jess was cute. One of my favourite episodes was Pat's birthday, which just showed how much of a difference Pat made to the town of Greendale. Your kids will love it, the Royal Mail probably loves it too! It was number 23 on The 100 Greatest Kids' TV Shows. Very good!

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    Sic Coyote

    I can't believe there's only one comment on this show on here! This show was an essential part of my childhood and it's still great today, hence why me and my friends made our own episode. I'm not to sure about the 2004 series with Comedy Jess, but the original Series was great!The series for those who don't know follows the 'adventures' of Britain, if not the world's favourite postman and his black and white cat Jess.Many tried to imitate it in later years like Fireman Sam, but although good, that couldn't match Pat, in fact that's a good idea for a 1 on 1 beat-em-up featuring: Portland Bill Postman Pat Fireman Sam & Bertha.Up the Greendale massive!

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