| 14 September 1993 (USA)
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  • Reviews

    This is an OK show about a tennis pro who must go through life's challenges with her single mother, little sister, insecure brother and loud coach (William Devane).From what I remember, it's a light-hearted show, but not much to laugh about. The humor was just so-so and the acting was OK at best. Average writing and lesser entertainment from this sit-com. But, at least it's tolerable than much of the forced-humor and tasteless sitcoms dished out nowadays.Grade C

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    Star Trek Fan

    This was one of my alltime favorite television shows, yet I had to use iMDB because I forgot the title! Anyway, I absolutely loved this show! I remember many things from it.1. The time the borther waned to revolutionize travel by suspending people in mid-air and letting the Earth's rotation bring their destination to them.2. The time the brother was watching "Your Voice is Changing Charlie Brown" and Charlie Brown could be heard switching over to the womp-womp sounds that the Peanuts cartoons used for adults talking in mid-sentence.3. The time the little sister ate to much chocolate and went crazy running around the house.4. In the first episode, the little sister 'adopted' (sponsored) a large number of children with her mom's credit card so she wouldn't be lonely while her sister was away.This was and still is the greatest show ever made!

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    The only good thing about this show was Judith Light. And all I remember from the series is this cute, innocent tennis player torn between a normal life and her coach's never-ending push for "professionalism".Angela was an unusually beautiful teenager living with her mom Dianne and younger sister Mary. She was a phenom at tennis (hence the name) and her coach always pushed her to perfection. The only episode I remember pertained to Angela learning how to kiss. She was developing a healthy relationship and her coach tried to stand in the way.The who show was a string of cliches, and I am not surprised it was cancelled. It had potential but fell flat.

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    It was a shame ABC axed this show after one season, I bet if it was on longer a bigger audience would have been built. Either way, Phenom is a gem. It's a sitcom with some good morals, and is funny without being too corny. The acting is also top notch. I am thankful I do have about every episode on tape, and I occasionally do hold mini marathons where I watch them. The series focused on Angela Doolan, a 16 year old tennis ace. She came across problems all teenagers face: family, friends, pressure and her overbearing coach. I even went to a taping of this show (if you see the episode where Coach Lou's friend dies, listen closely to hear a stupid fake laugh, that's me). I swear, if I had enough money I'd buy the episodes/rights from Columbia themselves (okay I am going nuts). Maybe the Fox Family Channel or Disney or some cable channel will somehow notice this show and buy them and broadcast the episodes. If you ever get a chance to see this show, see it and enjoy. Oh yeah, whatever happened to Angela Goethals?

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