Penn & Teller: Bull!
Penn & Teller: Bull!
TV-MA | 24 January 2003 (USA)
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  • Reviews

    This series takes serious issues (recently the fast food proposals) & uses experts to go over both sides of the argument. Penn & Teller entertaining host this tour & of course add their spin to the issue. While it is not their traditional magic act, this series on pay cable is worthwhile viewing as they try to sift out the Bull S**** on serious issues. Penn speaks & Tellers illustrates everything about the issue as they go along, & they do keep things going with good humor.Penn & Teller are one of the class acts in Las Vegas. They are outstanding performers who you should try to see @ the RIO when your there. Penn does most of the talking in this team that I'd equate to the Laurel & Hardy of Magic. At six feet and seven inches, he towers over lots of folks. Intellectually, he towers over lots of folks too. Very often his dialogs are so cerebral that his logic goes over the audiences heads. Usually when that happens, he realizes what he has done and explains it to the folks who have been lost on the way.Teller is in a class by himself. He does not speak, but his actions often speak as loud as Penns words. Together they are as unique as any team operating today. They do lots of enjoyable things & are sure to please any audience. Their comedy is as great as their magic. Bullshit highlights this quite well.When I saw them @ the RIOS in Vegas, they put on a great show too. They start seating the audience in their theater an hour early. A Jazz Pianist & Bass Player play tunes for that entire hour to warm up the audience. There is an audience participation activity during the music as well.Then they do a series of acts that are quite astounding. After their live show, they meet with everyone in the lobby for photos, autographs & show overall their class & showmanship. During this recession, they are one of the few acts who have "Sold more mementos than last year." While your @ the RIO, besides visiting Penn & Tellers lounge, try to visit the VOODOO lounge. You will enjoy the experience, & it is just a little bonus to the show.Bullshit is not too be missed on TV, & their live show is not too be missed in Vegas. I am still looking for the blonde that disappeared during the show, I had a date with her.

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    I believe that Penn and Teller have stated in several of their shows that they realize the bias and non-objective status of some of their material. Just goes to prove that as hosts of their own show, they have the freedom to call anything B.S. that they want to.Obviously, the main purpose of the show is not to inform the audience of everything they THINK is B.S. But with some things, objectivity can't prove anything, no matter how clean it is (objectivity or not, religion isn't going away).So, I find it a bit harsh to expel this show due to some, repeat, some bias, when I think it would be literally impossible to go on for seven seasons without some of it. Penn and Teller tell us to expect it - so expect it.

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    I love this show. It's far from perfect, but it is indeed entertaining and more accurate than not.Almost as amusing to me as the show, however, are the people who find it so offensive and feel that they must attack it. Reading the submissions, I have taken great pleasure in chortling at the pre-literate scrawlings of those who hate the show the most. The majority of the negative comments are quite nearly illegible.To all of the misguided people who think the show is "right wing": Penn and Teller are libertarians (note the lower case l, it's important) and should never be referred to as "right wing" by anyone with a clue. (l)ibertarians find left and right to be equally pathetic and almost universally wrong.P&T are entertainers who perform 6 nights a week in Las Vegas where they make a great deal of money. Their income from Showtime is not going to come close to their Vegas earnings, so if you were thinking they're selling out, you're wrong and will need to start the critical thinking process over again.Yes, they employ vulgarity, nudity, and snarky comments in their war on stupidity and institutional ignorance. No, they don't always argue as completely or compellingly as one might hope, but they are out there doing something that no one else is bothering to do...and they're doing it pretty well.American Communists have the DNC and NPR; American Fascists have the GOP and Fox News. Us libertarians apparently only get P&T for 30 minutes a week.I'll gratefully accept BS! as it is until Penn & Teller die or someone else does it better. After all, I think for myself and I know entertainment when I see it.

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    Penn and Teller Bull$#!t is one of, if not THE best show on the boob tube these days. They call people out for what they are, frauds and opportunists who prey on the weak willed, weak minded, and easy targets. I agree with everything that I've seen on this show, each and every episode, and all Penn and Teller do is expose more reasons to be a sarcastic, cynical, question-asking naysayer. This is about the only show that I will say is worth what you pay for the DVDs 100%! They are great to watch over and over, and to show to whatever friends come by, and expose them to the brilliance! Not to mention, that if you enjoy this show (and who wouldn't), you have to check out Penn's free radio show, it's full of the same irreverence and monkey love that I've come to expect from the big loud-mouth member of the magic team!

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