Nu, pogodi!
Nu, pogodi!
| 14 June 1969 (USA)
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  • Reviews

    it is the only word who could, in decent way, define it. because, for generations of children, it was the event. the confrontation between hare and wolf. the adventures. the humor. the classic "Nu , pogodi" as ingredient of backyard games. and this ball of memories did it unique. not the best, maybe, not the great series. but unique. because it has charm and beautiful gags and innocence of its public from yesterday. because the wolf is more than the bad guy but a sort of classmate, rude, not very smart but, in its essence, an misunderstood. and the hare - it is the hero with subtle and convincing traits. so, a legendary series.

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    There is not much to be said about this series, it is just great all around, some may say it is a Russian version of Tom and Jerry but these series are completely different, just because there are two characters that want to kill each other doesn't mean that its the same. The first time I saw this TV show is when I was about 5 years old, 18 year s old now and I can still laugh at episode 1 even with its "old fashioned" jokes. I would suggest that if you're interested in watching this series, stopping at the 18th episode because I personally think that the series went down hill from there, I only recently found out about a new episode made in 2006 and I felt that they tried to take the glory of the 1969 series and make it funny but new. Yeah they failed. Overall I think you would be an idiot to miss an opportunity to watch this amazing series.

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    You have to be Russian to truly appreciate this cartoon series. I first saw these cartoons up to episode 5 on 8mm film no sound. I still have these films around (although damaged from time) from 1974 when I left the Soviet Union for good. You have to understand that these cartoons were made from behind the iron curtain. Soviet cartoon making technology was far behind the US, and US cartoons were not available to Soviet artists for comparison. How could they be available if the soviet government made it a point to spread propaganda that Communist life is the USSR was better? Besides the adventures in the chase for the rabbit you see nostalgic elements of Russian urban, and suburb life. You see things like the electric troly buses, public drinking dispensers for carbonated water with one public glass that is washed prior to use, the 1982 Olympics and Russia's enthusiasm with good sportsmanship, typical soviet beaches, and attitude by hoodlums towards the law. Where else can you find a children's cartoon where the bad wolf smokes cigarettes, drinks beer while eating dried salted fish, steals and vandalizes property? One can't help but fall in love with both the hero and villain. I recently purchased the DVD of all 18 classic episodes 13 of which I waited 25 years to see and now with sound. I plan to have my kids watch these cartoons before they find the remote control to the TV so they too can appreciate what life was like for Russian children in the Soviet union.

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    So I think everybody here will agree with me that these are the one of the very best animation films ever made in Soviet Union. So if you are understanding Russian language I can recommend to see them!While there are only two main heroes in all series - Wolf and Hare this is amazing work of Soviet times animation masters. In fact these series are a little bit similar to Tom and Jerry series. Only they are not so much pain for bad hero - Wolf.

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