TV-14 | 09 October 2000 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Adrian Sweeney

    I liked this a lot. Shame it got cancelled, great it gets re-runs. One tuned in to swoon over Nikki Cox but stayed to admire some good gags and ace comic actors. Even apart from the laughs, its basic story of a young couple in love struggling to earn a living but determinedly following their dreams had great charm. She's a dancer, he's a wrestler, and they face their frequent setbacks, disappointments, and brushes with poverty with a string of one-liners (gallows humour rather than anything too saccharine, I should hasten to reassure cynics). The excellent supporting characters include her scheming dance partner and his sleazy boss, who is possibly the most cheerfully slimy character ever to grace TV and yet somehow lovable. Not to mention her foppish English choreographer, whose crassly over-the-top productions were featured at the start of the early episodes and were simultaneously funny and raunchy and probably didn't endear the show to moral majority types. All in all, good fun.

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    Network: WB; Genre: Sitcom; Content Rating: TV-PG (for adult content); Classification: Contemporary (star range: 1 - 4); Season Reviewed: Complete Series (2 seasons) I don't know why anybody would do this, but if you trace the career path of Nikki Cox you will find yourself tripping over "Nikki" on the way from a brief role in the cult favorite "The Norm Show" to the mainstream hit "Las Vegas". In it you will find the WB spending away like a drunken sailor whatever capital Cox accrued after her breakout role in their "Unhappily Ever After". My uncommon likeness of "Unhappily" is on record. Yes, it was a "Married…with Children" rip-off, but I think it is one of the best bad shows on the air and one of the gutsiest shows the WB has seen. With Cox's popularity on the rise it only made sense to try to give this supporting character actress her chance at a lead role.But the reason Cox has been successful, and remains successful, is because she or her agents know her limitations and have the foresight to take an actress known more for her assets not related to acting than her comic ability (which isn't nonexistent) and give her a supporting role or surround her with real pros. "Nikki" is the first, and hopefully, last time where they slipped up and bit off more than they can chew. Cox's inability to carry the series is the least of the reasons "Nikki" is a painful to watch garbage dump. If I had a "Hate, Hate, Hate" book like Roger Ebert, this show would certainly be in there.Cox is not without comic ability, "Norm" and "Unhappily" proved she can deliver a deadpan one-liner as well as anybody. But you could put brilliant comic actors in the lead here and the show would still be a disaster. It was an ill-conceived series from the get-go. The smartest and safest way to approach a star vehicle with an unproven star would have been to spin off her brains-and-beauty Tiffany character from "Unhappily" out into college or the working world. That, people would have watched. But no. Creator Bruce Helford with longtime teammate Deborah Oppenheimer (both of star vehicles as "The Drew Carey Show") do all the legwork to contrive this hokey new idea. Cox plays a Las Vegas showgirl living in a rundown apartment with her deadbeat wrestler husband Dwight (Nick Von Esmarch). Both have big dreams and as they scrape miserably to achieve them, hilarity ensues – at least for the laugh-track, some of us humans may need to be talked off a ledge after a viewing.The sloppy writing, having none of the bite of "Unhappily", is chained to the show's go-nowhere premise – it nothing more than a half-thought-out mechanism to get Cox in a wide variety of Las Vegas showgirl outfits. While the skimpy outfits of her former series placated the pubescent male audience just fine, Helford must have thought this would just drive them bonkers. Like everything else in the show, it's overkill. Because they don't shop and spend as much as the opposite sex, teenage boys are a demographic rarely exclusively played to on network TV (seriously) and the show-runners in the room probably had no idea what this alien life form would want.This takes me directly to another confounding misconception in this mess. Maybe the biggest in a gutter-level series like this. I have to wonder whose idea it was for our hot young sexpot to be married. The show falls in with a dozen other sitcoms in which the fat slob is blessed with a hot wife and takes it for granted. While it is not blindly followed conventional network wisdom that this has to be the set-up so the schleps that watch TV can cathartically fantasize about getting a hot wife of their own, I hope there was at least one voice at the planning table who thought keeping their sex symbol single and available was a better idea.I'm reminded of the classic "The Simpsons" episode "Homer's Barbershop Quartet" where his agent tells Homer not to wear his wedding ring on the road because "women will want to have sex with you and we want them to think they can". I'm stunned real networks so rarely think like this. It's a shallow business, but even worse is a shallow series that doesn't know that it is shallow and expects us to go through these hum-drum motions.½

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    "Nikki" is the biggest load of rubbish that I have ever seen. The fact that the same channel in Australia that bought this tripe bought the equally as terrible "Girlfriends" says a lot, and none of it's good. I only watched this show once, and that was enough. The only saving grace are the occassional humourous 'I'm a big dumb idiot' comments that we get from Dwight. Nikki Cox doesn't seem to understand the concept of comic timing - and as a result her jokes often fall flat. Where is the director on this set? He/she ought to be shot. As should the writers, producers, actors, and all the people in the WB offices that allowed this 'show' to go to air. Even re-runs of Burgo's Catch Phrase (you Aussies out there know what i'm on about) would be better. Nikki (and her huge breasts in tight tshirts) can go elsewhere, as far as I'm concerned. THIS SHOW BITES!

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    I don't even have to write a lot to express how I feel about this show!! Actually, I have just two things to say: 1-The show is just one of the best on TV. Just so funny... 2-10 out of 10.

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