| 10 September 2005 (USA)
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  • Season 9 : 2009 | 15 Episodes


    This review comes from a person who has seen all the remakes of TV sitcom The Nanny with Fran Drescher (except that of Ecuador), and I can tell you that this the best remake, I laugh like the original. I disagree with the previous review the person who did it, was clearly blind and deaf . Niania nailed it, They hit every mark, they were spot on . 10/10 as the original. Exellence if I could buy it I will buy the whole season.Konrad is perfect for Niles he have the cute factor same as Niles.Karolina it's perfect for C.C. The Russian C.C (Zhanna, look too old and is way too tall for Konstatin the butler who is not cute and scare me, tough I do like Zhanna). Once again Niania it's perfect you won't regret it, I love so much.My version is of cour The Nanny with Fran Drescher but the 1 runner up always will be Polish version Niania and I won't trade it for anything in the world, it's great it's funny and it's cute.

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    You all remember "The Nanny" with irritating yet somehow charming :) Fran Drescher?... "Niania" is just a polish version, stage design stays the same, actors are chosen to look like in the original, but there is a slight problem...the series isn't funny! Young actors just aren't natural in their roles. I don't think anyone wants to see the exact copy, when given a couple of opportunities to see the original series. Agnieszka Dygant though is a talented actress with interesting physiognomy, Tomasz Kot is after his great role in "Skazany na bluesa" and they can do their best, so I hope that they will find the way to freshen up "The Nanny" as it is the only way for the series to be watchable.

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