Mr. Meaty
Mr. Meaty
| 22 September 2006 (USA)
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  • Reviews

    Don't let the stars turn you away from this show. This is by far one of the funniest kids shows to watch when you are older. This show has some of the highest quality toilet humour you'll ever find.

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    I don't even know what to say about this show other than it is the most disturbing thing I have ever seen. The puppets are so scary that its just plain hard to look at. I'm a big fan of horror but I can't even watch this show: it makes your skin crawl. The puppets look frightening and somehow sickening, the story lines are vulgar and dumb but those Puppets! What twisted minds even came up with this?! I can't think of a good reason for watching this show unless you are totally desensitized to horror films- then this show may be your last chance at a good, genuine scare. If I had seen this show, even a commercial, as a kid I would probably be too afraid to watch TV for the remainder of my childhood!

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    At a glance, I was first turned away from this show by the mere fact that it was produced using entirely puppets. In earnest, I have not watched a puppet show since "The Muppet Show" and "Sesame Street" back when I was a kid in the mid 80s. It seems in the modern day that the entertainment scene has tended to shy away from using this medium with the advent of more advanced methods of creating cleaner and more visually impressive cartoons (than was possible 20 years ago) and 3D animation imagery via modern computers. As such, not many are willing to put the effort into creating a show that uses puppets anymore.As my younger relatives came to visit more often, I found myself glancing at the television screen more and more. After a short while, I realized that the attention to detail in this show was unparalleled when compared to puppet shows of the past. (And some ones from recent memory who's names escape me.) The last show (movie in fact) that caught my eye using puppets with this level of detail was "The Dark Crystal." That aside... when I was in college I worked in fast food on the side and found I could relate to some of the situations that the main characters find themselves in. A pushy loudmouth (and in this case evil) boss, irate and stupid customers, and mechanical mishaps just to name a few.Parker steals the show with his cliché nerd fetishes (and some not so common one's as well) such as his obsession with fantasy games (like Dungeons and Dragons) and things like "Star Trek." I find myself laughing at the pure outlandish nerdyness of his actions on more than one occasion. His nerdyness is only paralleled by his good nature. Whenever Josh gets into a scrape, Parker is usually quick to bail his buddy out of trouble.Josh is the typical "cool guy." Or... at least as cool as a guy that works in fast food can be. He is selfish and self serving... but not without conscience. When he does something nasty or wrong, he usually comes clean before all is said and done.There is also a whole array of parody characters from the Vegetarian Hippie at the Vgen Fast food place, to the mindless security guard and even the frequent mall crawlers like the loud mouth kids (tater tots) and brainless pretty girls without 2 brain cells to rub together.In conclusion... the visual effects are outstanding (for puppets), the story lines are well developed and witty, and as a whole the show is very entertaining. It's also good to see a fresh new show that utilizes puppets, as this form of entertainment is rapidly becoming a lost art. (They even removed the creatures in the original "Star Wars" with 3D computer generated replacements! A large insult to Jim Henson's creature shop I'm sure.) And when I have the younger relatives over for family functions, this is one of the few shows that we can all agree on to watch together. As such, I give it two thumbs up and hope to see more episodes developed in the near future.

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    This show is so funny. I usually don't get to watch it because I'm in school. But I do like this show. I think Parker is funny, and even has a funny voice. My most favorite part is hearing the 'p' word in this show (Porker). I also like it when I hear Farts to block out the screaming costumers. I've seen most of the episodes of "Mr. Meaty". I like Parker because sometimes he can be funny. I think Ed Carvey can be mean at times beating up people he doesn't like. When the kids do something wrong, the Cop, Doug, gets all over them, yelling and beating them with a cop stick.This show is not bad. After watching a few episodes, I got used to it. I hope decided to take back everything they said abysmal about this show & say that CatDog is abysmal . It is very nice. I also don't care about what other people think of this show, even if it makes people puke.

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