Monday Mornings
Monday Mornings
| 04 February 2013 (USA)
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  • Reviews

    With the exception of Jethro Gibbs, Harding Hooten is the only real man in a current TV series (at least, that I've seen). He is an anachronism, sorry to say, in a feminized, P.C. world that features characters who struggle with relatively unimportant character flaws and never have to be grown-ups. Hooten is relentlessly truthful and unapologetically portrays the guy at the head of the table that used to be a normal feature of American life, making the hard decisions and not worrying over how well he will be received. (It is not at all surprising that he is called "Hardly Human" behind his back, since his peers have been raised in the play-pens of public education and mainstream media where anything difficult is dismissed as "mean-spirited). For me, Dr. Hooten IS the reason to savor this show.Sorry to those who find Dr. Park to be a condescending caricature. One of the deficits in the show is a shortage of comic relief, but Dr. Park's verbal shorthand is not only damn funny, but it is not in the least condescending-His meaning is always understood, begging the question of whether all those pesky articles and adjectives are really necessary to effective communication.I had a little trouble with Gato at first, but have come to find him believable and engaging as the show progressed. Also, the requisite workplace romance scenario. But that too has been handled well and is at least not distracting.My concern is that the TV viewership is not ready or willing to enjoy the Monday Morning routine, and may reject a good show for it's lack of "compassion" when there is no shortage of genuine warm feeling.

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    This is a thoroughly entertaining medical drama. I don't know what the negative posters expected. I suspect they are just negative people who like to find fault with everything. The character development is superb. Stand out performances by VingRhames, Keoung Sim and Alfred Molina. There's really not a weak cast member. Story lines are good. It's not frenetic like ER, nor as bizarre as House. It's closer to Grey's anatomy with a strong focus on the medical issues and less on the soap opera aspects. My family members in the health field agree this show is pretty much on target. Check it out.

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    I go along with pennymaui: Patients need this kind of wake-up lesson about not necessarily trusting the first doctor or opinion. I've already learned a lot of things I didn't know just watching the show, especially tonight. (I DVR shows) I hope this show has a lot more then 10 episodes. I really think people can learn a lot just from the Monday morning parts of the show. I love what they do there. Especially about the feelings of the patients and their families. Please, please keep this show going, it's great. I'm so sick of all the stupid comedy and reality shows that are on now. They have canceled sooo many good shows after just one season.

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    I should clarify that this review is written at the very beginning of the series. So far, only the pilot has been released, so this will be obsolete soon. However, I saw that the show is already getting more negative reviews than it deserves, so I thought I should do my best to do it some justice.Now, if you're a David E. Kelley Fan, you'll soon find familiar elements in this show, the easiest to spot being the abnormally high number of main characters with different personalities. You will probably come to love some of them and hate others. Personally, I love this aspect of Mr. Kelley's writing. Sure, shows with all insanely cool characters fighting insanely unlikeable villains But, through creating an array of very different characters, the writer has you constantly questioning values, and as a result, gets you more emotionally involved.One of the most disappointing things about the Pilot was the lack of Comedy. Now, obviously this is meant to be a drama, but again, Mr. Kelley has shown a lot of strength in intertwining drama and comedy in various dosages: The practice had lots of Drama and some comedy. Boston Legal had both equally. Harry's Law had perhaps the most comedy of all. But so far, I've seen lots of Drama and no Comedy, which can get boring, preachy, and resembling shows like Grey's Anatomy.In short, this show does have a bit of promise, but some flaws too. However, being a David E. Kelley fan, one should know that all his shows start slow and work their way up. One should also know that the cast may change without notice, and one should also be sure of the fact that a lot of strength is bound to arise from the guest appearances. In conclusion, if you are the kind of person who follows a show a week-by-week (as opposed to those who'd rather wait for the DVD to come out), then it's only fair to have some patience, and let the show grow. Granted, I won't lie and say it's the best pilot ever, but I see some promise in this show, enough to give it a chance to properly impress me.

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